The Luckiest (and Unluckiest) Months of 2024, According to Your Zodiac Sign (2024)

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The Luckiest (and Unluckiest) Months of 2024, According to Your Zodiac Sign (1)

ByJill Dearman

Updated: Apr. 11, 2024

    Wondering if you'll be the luckiest zodiac sign in 2024? Find out when it's your time to shine—and when you should be on your guard.

    The Luckiest (and Unluckiest) Months of 2024, According to Your Zodiac Sign (2), Getty Images (2)

    What’s in store for you this year?

    While hard work, smart decisions and compatible relationships ultimately determine where we are in life, there are some moments when things just seem a bit luckier. It’s like the universe is on our side, and all the stars are suddenly aligning. If you follow astrology, that’s pretty accurate! Some signs are lucky all year long, while others are luckier at certain points in the year because of the positioning of the planets. So what can we expect this year? Are you the luckiest zodiac sign in 2024?

    In my experience as a longtime astrologer, there’s a lot to anticipate as one year ends and another begins, including that transitional time after the winter solstice. But if you’ve made your New Year’s resolutions based on your zodiac and are ready for some change, you can expect the unexpected in 2024. On Jan. 20, Pluto, planet of self-transformation, moves into Aquarius for a 20-year cycle—yes, you read that right. We are going to be immersed in Aquarian themes, such as community, technology, social systems and most of all: change. If you can embrace the “out with the old, in with the new” mantra, you will be in great shape and feel the luck of optimistic, futuristic Aquarius.

    The Luckiest (and Unluckiest) Months of 2024, According to Your Zodiac Sign (3), Getty Images

    Who will be the luckiest zodiac sign in 2024?

    You may have guessed it: It’s Aquarius. Aquarians are set to be the luckiest zodiac in 2024 and apt to feel in their zodiac element this year. Instead of always being told they’re ahead of their time, these friendly, intelligent folk will finally feel in sync with the times—as they are a-changin’. Here’s what else you can expect.

    Get Reader’s Digest’s Read Up newsletter for zodiac insights, humor, cleaning, travel, tech and fun facts all week long.

    The Luckiest (and Unluckiest) Months of 2024, According to Your Zodiac Sign (4), Getty Images (2)

    Aries (March 21–April 19)

    Lucky month: July

    Challenging month: October

    This looks like a year of lucky breaks for you, Aries. July is your best month, with your ruler Mars and lucky Jupiter transiting your house of socializing and communication. You are bound to get the respect you’ve been craving from peers. In addition, you may find a new person flirting with you in the most adorable way (maybe even someone compatible with your zodiac sign). With the sun opposite your sign in October, you could feel a little depleted, energy-wise, but by Halloween, you’ll be bouncing back—costume and all.

    Taurus (April 20–May 20)

    Lucky month: May

    Challenging month: November

    The luck you feel may be more like a sense of relief rather than a jumping-up-and-down feeling, but that’s just fine. You Taureans honor stability above all else, and you will feel much more grounded thanks to some big retrogrades ending, leading to money flowing your way. May is your month, when you celebrate your birthday season and can also rejoice in the sun, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter all partying in your sign. If you have to be a little more low-key in November, with the sun weighing on you and Pluto challenging you, that’s OK. You do well when you slow down.

    The Luckiest (and Unluckiest) Months of 2024, According to Your Zodiac Sign (6), Getty Images (2)

    Gemini (May 21–June 20)

    Lucky month: May

    Challenging month: December

    Luck is coming your way in the year ahead, dear Gemini. Jupiter is the planet of good fortune and expansion, and in late May (just in time for your birthday season), it will roll into your sign. If you have been wondering when your career and financial status would jump to the next level, you will be happily surprised by what 2024 brings. The end of the year may test your mettle with the sun and your ruler Mercury in opposition to your sign. But no matter. After almost a whole year in the spotlight, sit back and watch the drama; don’t engage with it.

    The Luckiest (and Unluckiest) Months of 2024, According to Your Zodiac Sign (7), Getty Images (2)

    Cancer (June 21–July 22)

    Lucky month: May

    Challenging month: September

    You can expect serious issues in your life to come to a head in 2024, Cancer—but in a good way! This won’t necessarily be a year of luck for you, but it will definitely be a year of clarity and success. You don’t need any surprises. Thanks to Pluto’s move into your house of partnerships, you will be happy to see that you are surrounded by those you can trust in 2024. May sees lucky Jupiter move into your house of endings and new beginnings. This keeps with your theme of releasing what no longer works in your life and making room for the new and fabulous. Relationships that matter deepen and thrive. You will find yourself one of the happiest zodiac signs this year. Let September unfold as it will, rather than trying to push your luck. There’s pressure on you then to only say nice things or nothing at all!

    The Luckiest (and Unluckiest) Months of 2024, According to Your Zodiac Sign (8), Getty Images (2)

    Leo (July 23–Aug. 22)

    Lucky month: July

    Challenging month: February

    This is a very lucky year for you, Leo. You just have to remember one thing: Let others take care of you a little bit more. You may want to be captain of every team, but you receive the most fortunate surprises when you hang back a bit. In July, you’ll have the sun entering your sign along with lucky Jupiter bouncing through your house of friends and community. A friendship may even turn romantic! Your challenging month, February, is a little tense at times, with Jupiter still squaring your sun, but you just need to wait before taking any big actions. Of course your sun, moon and rising sign may give you some ideas to work with.

    The Luckiest (and Unluckiest) Months of 2024, According to Your Zodiac Sign (9), Getty Images (2)

    Virgo (Aug. 23–Sept. 22)

    Lucky month: August

    Challenging month: March

    Virgo, you will find luck in the most surprising ways this year. The big news is that Pluto, planet of self-transformation, moves into your house of daily work, helping you to find the routine and the work path that serve you best. You’ve been putting up with crumbs from your associates for too long. This is your year to get some respect. August is particularly lucky, as your ruler Mercury colludes with lovely Venus, bringing some romantic attention your way. If March is a little heavy with the sun opposite your sun, use it to plan for the rest of the year.

    The Luckiest (and Unluckiest) Months of 2024, According to Your Zodiac Sign (10), Getty Images (2)

    Libra (Sept. 23–Oct. 22)

    Lucky month: October

    Challenging month: April

    This year is mostly smooth sailing for you, Libra, with intense Pluto moving into fellow air sign Aquarius. You’ll find that your rational point of view is more appreciated during these volatile times. The sun in your sign in October puts you in a position to get a raise—or you might have a chance to expand your business in new ways, especially involving technology. April sees Mercury in your opposite sign all month long, so you may have to say less and trust more. Friends will speak on your behalf during times when you feel put upon.

    The Luckiest (and Unluckiest) Months of 2024, According to Your Zodiac Sign (11), Getty Images (2)

    Scorpio (Oct. 23–Nov. 21)

    Lucky month: May

    Challenging month: January

    You will feel free to make the home you want in 2024, which is very lucky! Pluto, your ruler, moves into your house of home and family, and so long as you eliminate tensions with your loved ones, you can start a new era on the home front. May should bring you some excellent luck on the work front as Jupiter transits your job sector. In January, however, you might feel a little bit of impatience as you wait for Pluto to make its move forward. Patience is key to your getting what you need from the world, so develop more of it!

    The Luckiest (and Unluckiest) Months of 2024, According to Your Zodiac Sign (12), Getty Images (2)

    Sagittarius (Nov. 22–Dec. 21)

    Lucky month: January

    Challenging month: May

    The year starts off with a bang in January as Venus and Mars transit your sign, making you lucky in love and in artistic pursuits. The good fortune continues when Pluto hypes up your social life and brings great work connections into your life. In May, you might see a little bit of frustration as your ruler Jupiter opposes your sun. People in power may keep you waiting (or decide they don’t need you), but you can do what you always do best: Go your own way.

    The Luckiest (and Unluckiest) Months of 2024, According to Your Zodiac Sign (13), Getty Images (2)

    Capricorn (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)

    Lucky month: January

    Challenging month: October

    This year sees progress in your money sector, as long as you clear out what’s no longer serving you. Doing your passion work is lucrative this year, so don’t be so practical about long-term career moves. With Pluto’s move into Aquarius in January, you are better off going where the new ideas and new technology are. You will also see friendships thrive as you and your besties work together to make the world a better place. Go easy on yourself in October when Mars makes you feel a little vulnerable. Watch what unfolds before making any major decisions.

    The Luckiest (and Unluckiest) Months of 2024, According to Your Zodiac Sign (14), Getty Images (2)

    Aquarius (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)

    Lucky month: January

    Challenging month: May

    You are the luckiest of the bunch this year, Aquarius, and Pluto ushers in a 20-year cycle in your sign, starting Jan. 20. What do you want to accomplish in the world? How do you want to leave your mark? You are lucky in technology, economy, business and anything that makes the world safer and more equitable. January will likely be the luckiest for you as all of these positive changes begin. You may see Mars giving you a hard time in May, so stay out of the way of people looking for a fight. All this good luck will make you one of the happiest zodiac signs of the year.

    The Luckiest (and Unluckiest) Months of 2024, According to Your Zodiac Sign (15), Getty Images (2)

    Pisces (Feb. 19–March 20)

    Lucky month: November

    Challenging month: September

    Your luck may come most in the second half of the year, but it will come. At the beginning of the year in January, Pluto, the planet of self-transformation, moves into your house of endings and new beginnings. You may need to move away from toxic relationships so that you can make room for ones that fill you with joy and trust. In November, when Saturn (the planet of structure) goes direct in your sign, you will see an uptick in career prospects and financial windfalls. September may find friends asking a lot of you. As always, Pisces: Set boundaries.

    Next up, learn what is your life path number and what it means for you.

    Originally Published: March 02, 2022


    Jill Dearman

    Jill is a respected astrologer who has been writing about the stars for more than 25 years, for Ladies’ Home Journal, Redbook and Twist, among others. She is the author of Queer Astrology for Men and Queer Astrology for Women, writes about astrology in the Hudson Valley for Trixie’s List and sees a large clientele of private clients. When she's...

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    The Luckiest (and Unluckiest) Months of 2024, According to Your Zodiac Sign (16)

    The Luckiest (and Unluckiest) Months of 2024, According to Your Zodiac Sign (2024)


    Which zodiac is luckiest in 2024? ›

    You may have guessed it: It's Aquarius. Aquarians are set to be the luckiest zodiac in 2024 and apt to feel in their zodiac element this year. Instead of always being told they're ahead of their time, these friendly, intelligent folk will finally feel in sync with the times—as they are a-changin'.

    What signs will be unlucky in 2024? ›

    • 4 Most Unlucky Zodiac Signs in 2024: Is Fate Against You This Year? ...
    • Aries (March 21 — April 19): ...
    • Cancer (June 21 — July 22): ...
    • Leo (July 23 and August 22): ...
    • Capricorn (December 22 — January 19): ...
    • Conclusion: 4 Most Unlucky Zodiac Signs in 2024.
    Apr 11, 2024

    What is the Chinese zodiac fortune for 2024? ›

    Fame and fortune are coming the way of dragons in 2024, especially when surrounded by the lucky colours of silver and gold. While dragons may experience a few roadblocks on the way to their desires, overall this is a good year for marriages, babies and new businesses.

    What is the unlucky month? ›

    On the average, all days in one year are equally unlucky. Therefore, January, March, May, July, August, October, December, are - potentially - the most unlucky months; February is the luckiest.

    Which month is lucky to be born? ›

    In both genders and in all age groups, birth during the summer half-year was associated with significantly higher belief in being lucky, as compared to birth during the winter half-year, with a maximum around birth in May and a minimum around birth in November.

    Is 2024 the year for karma? ›

    Starting with our Year of Karma, 2024 is supposedly considered the year of karma because the number 8 is seen as the most karmic. Anastasia says that the number 8 signifies transformation, death, rebirth, and is considered the karmic number.

    How to avoid bad luck in 2024? ›

    Year of the Dragon 2024: are you predicted bad luck? 5 ways to increase your good vibes, from wearing red underwear to getting married
    1. Visit a temple. ...
    2. Wear red underwear. ...
    3. Wear an amulet. ...
    4. Practise good feng shui. ...
    5. Have a big celebration.
    Jan 13, 2024

    Is your zodiac year bad luck? ›

    It is BAD LUCK When Your Zodiac Year Comes Around!

    As the Chinese zodiac starts over every 12 years, your animal year will come around when you are 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, etc. According to ancient Chinese superstition, in your birth sign year, you will offend the God of Age, and will have bad luck during that year.

    Which zodiac is unlucky in love? ›

    Astrologers identify unlucky zodiac signs in love, like Capricorn prioritizing career over romance, Aquarius valuing independence, and Pisces being idealistic. Gemini's dual nature and Sagittarius' fear of commitment also pose challenges.

    What is a lucky color for 2024? ›

    2024 is the Year of the Dragon in Chinese astrology. The Dragon represents strength and success. Lucky colors for this year are golden, yellow, green, gold, silver, and purple. Each zodiac animal has its own set of lucky colors, creating a vibrant canvas of fortune in 2024.

    Which zodiac is lucky in 2025? ›

    Which zodiac is lucky in 2025? Taurus, Capricorn, Gemini, Libra, and Cancer are among the zodiacs that will have a great year in 2025.

    What is the fengshui for 2024? ›

    2024 is the year of the Wood Dragon. Luck fluctuates for those born in the year of the Dragon as you are in clash with the Grand Duke this year. There are many obstacles and setbacks as you pursue your career or studies, but empowered by the Abundance Star, you will be duly rewarded for your efforts.

    Which birth date is unlucky? ›

    However, some cultures believe that May 13th can be unlucky for anyone, regardless of their birth month, due to its association with Friday the 13th. Additionally, the 4th, 7th, 8th, and 9th might also be viewed with caution.

    Which month is unlucky to born? ›

    Although February is known as the month of love, not everyone who was born in this month will have hearts and flowers. Because February 29 is a rare day that only occurs in leap years, it is frequently seen as unlucky. People who are born on this day are supposed to experience unusual events throughout their lives.

    What zodiac signs will be unlucky in 2024? ›

    Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Scorpio will most likely be unlucky in 2024.

    Which zodiac is luckiest in 2025? ›

    According to the forecasts, Taurus, Gemini, Capricorn, and Pisces will be the luckiest. By 2025, they will be able to achieve incredible goals and fulfill their cherished dreams. Starting in May and throughout the next year, you will feel the influence of Jupiter, the planet of prosperity, development, and expansion.

    Which zodiac is very lucky? ›

    1. Sagittarius. Sagittarians are known for their optimistic and adventurous nature. Their positive mindset and willingness to take risks can often lead to fortunate outcomes.

    What zodiac is lucky in 2026? ›

    Fire Horse in a Fire Year. As the Fire Year makes the Fire Horse stronger, this is an auspicious year. Take Note: Fire Horse in Fire Year is both of same element, so be careful as same element often denotes possible competition/struggle.

    What Chinese zodiac is the luckiest? ›

    Dragon years are definitely considered some of the most auspicious,” explains Yu Zhang, a teaching assistant professor of Chinese in the University of Colorado Boulder Department of Asian Languages and Civilizations.


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