List of 663 Adjectives That Start with T with Definitions and Examples - (2024)

Adjectives that start with T are essential in both casual and professional communication. Reading this list of adjectives that start with the letter T is necessary if you want to improve your English and broaden your vocabulary.

One of the four primary categories of words, along with nouns, verbs, and adverbs, is the adjective. Adjectives describe nouns. They change or characterize the traits and qualities of humans, animals, and objects. Are you aware that adjectives beginning with T have a significant positive influence on your daily life? Using the proper words will help you inspire others via your clever speaking.

People will remember you favorably if you have a large vocabulary. While memorizing all of the adjectives in a dictionary is tough, there is always a potential for improvement and the acquisition of new adjectives. Descriptive words that start with T canhelp us express ourselves more effectively.

The eight typesof adjectives that start with T described in this article include positive adjectives, negative adjectives, commonadjectives, and uncommonadjectives.

Many descriptive words starting with T, like other letters, describe things in intriguing ways. Studying adjectives that start with T will get you one step closer to being an English language vocabulary expert.

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  • Positive Words That Start with T
  • Verbs That Start with T
  • Nouns That Start with T

Table of Contents

Common Adjectives That Start with T in Everyday Speech

In this section, we looked at some of the most common adjectives that start with T. These frequently used adjectives starting with T are defined, synonymized, and exemplified.

1. Tragic

  • Definition: marked with intense sorrow and anguish
  • Synonyms: disastrous, terrible, grievous
  • Example: She has some tragic memories.

2. Transparent

  • Definition: which is obvious to senses
  • Synonyms: clear, apparent, evident
  • Example: That was a transparent fact.

3. Typical

  • Definition: which is usual to existing norms
  • Synonyms: ordinary, average, common
  • Example: This is a typical kidnapping case.

4. Tuneful

  • Definition: bearing a melodious sound
  • Synonyms: musical, harmonious, rhythmical
  • Example: That was a tuneful song.

5. Trendy

  • Definition: being in trend and prevalent
  • Synonyms: up-to-date, modern, current
  • Example: She bought a trendy apartment.

6. Threatening

  • Definition: creating fear and intimidation
  • Synonyms: dangerous, intimidating, frightening
  • Example: She gave threatening laughter.

7. Toxic

  • Definition: of or relating to toxins
  • Synonyms: poisonous, deadly, harmful
  • Example: There are so many toxic chemicals.

8. Tricky

  • Definition: characterized by tricks and complexities
  • Synonyms: difficult, complex, complicated
  • Example: It’s a tricky question.

9. Thorough

  • Definition: which is intensive and all-out
  • Synonyms: deep, complete, intensive
  • Example: She gave a thorough understanding of the topic.

10. Temporary

  • Definition: for the time being
  • Synonyms: impermanent, transient, interim
  • Example: These are temporary arrangements.

Positive Adjectives That Start with T

When attempting to encourage or inspire others around you, it is always important to use positive phrases that begin with the letter T to describe the person or object you are attempting to inspire or motivate. Your vocabulary will increase after learning positive adjectives that start with T.

1. Tasty

  • Definition: having a good taste and appeal
  • Synonyms: delicious, yummy, appetizing
  • Example: The food was very tasty.

2. Tender

  • Definition: being gentle and warm
  • Synonyms: affectionate, loving, sympathetic
  • Example: She carries a tender heart.

3. Timely

  • Definition: being on time without any delay
  • Synonyms: opportune, prompt, punctual
  • Example: She gave a timely response.

4. Talented

  • Definition: filled with talent and competence
  • Synonyms: expert, adept, proficient
  • Example: He is a talented boy.

5. Top

  • Definition: of the supreme value or rank
  • Synonyms: peak, pinnacle, maximum
  • Example: She wants to buy top quality products.

6. Thrifty

  • Definition: being careful and prudent in spending
  • Synonyms: frugal, parsimonious, economical
  • Example: She is a thrifty woman.

7. Thankful

  • Definition: feeling or showing appreciation and gratitude
  • Synonyms: appreciative, grateful, pleased
  • Example: She was very thankful.

8. Thoughtful

  • Definition: being heedful and attentive
  • Synonyms: kind, considerate, contemplative
  • Example: He is a very thoughtful person.

9. Tidy

  • Definition: marked by order and cleanliness
  • Synonyms: clean, neat, orderly
  • Example: She keeps a tidy house.

10. Tasteful

  • Definition: filled with good taste and appeal
  • Synonyms: delicious, yummy, appetizing, tasty
  • Example: She cooks tasteful food.

Negative Adjectives That Start with T

The sectionoffers a list of negative adjectives that begin with the letter T. We hope you find this list useful in your quest to extend negative adjectives that start with T.

1. Taunting

  • Definition: marked with taunts and ridicule
  • Synonyms: sarcastic, mocking, jeering
  • Example: He gave a taunting laugh.

2. Tasteless

  • Definition: lacking good taste and flavor
  • Synonyms: bland, flavorless, insipid
  • Example: That was tasteless food.

3. Taboo

  • Definition: which is banned and not allowed
  • Synonyms: proscribed, forbidden, prohibited
  • Example: There are some taboo subjects in our society.

4. Tense

  • Definition: being uneasy and anxious
  • Synonyms: edgy, nervous, jittery, jumpy
  • Example: She was instructing his tense friend.

5. Temperamental

  • Definition: being unpredictable and suddenly changeable
  • Synonyms: moody, mercurial, cranky
  • Example: She is a rude and temperamental girl.

6. Tarnished

  • Definition: being discolored and damaged in appearance
  • Synonyms: taints, blackened, discolored
  • Example: He was holding a tarnished key.

7. Twitchy

  • Definition: nervous; anxious
  • Synonyms: anxious, critical, excitable
  • Example: She felt twitchy about him.

8. Tepid

  • Definition: lacking interest and enthusiasm
  • Synonyms: uninterested, indifferent, half-hearted
  • Example: That was a tepid response.

9. Tattered

  • Definition: being worn out and in a poor state
  • Synonyms: ragged, shabby, torn
  • Example: That was an old tattered picture.

10. Torturous

  • Definition: characterized by or causing pain
  • Synonyms: anxious, critical, excitable
  • Example: That was torturous fitness training.

Adjectives That Start with T to Describe a Person

Please look our collection of adjectives that start with T to describe someone. Adjectives are used to characterize one of a person’s most distinguishing features. Use T adjectives to describe a person as often as possible.

1. Touchy

  • Definition: being easily annoyed and responsive
  • Synonyms: peevish, testy, sensitive
  • Example: She is a touchy girl.

2. Tolerant

  • Definition: having the quality of tolerance
  • Synonyms: indulgent, patient, forbearing
  • Example: She is a tolerant lady.

3. Thrilled

  • Definition: being extremely delighted and excited
  • Synonyms: overjoyed, excited, elated
  • Example: The concert was filled with thrilled fans.

4. Timid

  • Definition: lacking confidence and assertive influence
  • Synonyms: shy, bashful, diffident
  • Example: He is a timid person.

5. Tactless

  • Definition: lacking knowledge about applying tactics to get the outcome
  • Synonyms: undiplomatic, indiscreet, impolitic
  • Example: He is a tactless dealer.

6. Trustful

  • Definition: being capable of trust and reliance
  • Synonyms: trustworthy, credulous, confiding
  • Example: Anna is a trustful lady.

7. Talkative

  • Definition: being inclined towards talks and conversations
  • Synonyms: chatty, voluble, verbose
  • Example: He is a talkative person.

8. Tactful

  • Definition: full of knowledge about applying tactics
  • Synonyms: sensible, diplomatic, discreet
  • Example: He is a tactful sales executive.

9. Tough

  • Definition: having a great strength
  • Synonyms: strong, sturdy, robust
  • Example: Joss is a tough man.

10. Tenacious

  • Definition: being unwavering to external influence
  • Synonyms: resolute, persistent, unyielding
  • Example: He is a tenacious local legend.

Adjectives That Start with T to Describe a Place

How many placeshave you visited in total? How will you describe these places to someone who has never been there? Consider the following list of describing words beginning with T.

1. Terrible

  • Definition: extremely bad or serious
  • Synonyms: dreadful, awful, horrific
  • Example: That was a terrible place.

2. Trackless

  • Definition: having no paths or tracks on it
  • Synonyms: impassable, impenetrable, blockaded
  • Example: We were at a trackless route.

3. Treeless

  • Definition: having no trees
  • Synonyms: unforested, untimbered
  • Example: They live on a barren, treeless landscape.

4. Tawdry

  • Definition: showy but cheap poor quality
  • Synonyms: gaudy, flashy, showy
  • Example: They have a tawdry house.

5. Timbered

  • Definition: made wholly or partly of timber
  • Synonyms: constructed, beamed, carpentered
  • Example: There were black-and-white timbered buildings.

6. Timeless

  • Definition: not affected by time
  • Synonyms: lasting, classic, enduring
  • Example: This city has a timeless atmosphere.

7. Topmost

  • Definition: highest in physical position; highest
  • Synonyms: highest, top, uppermost
  • Example: They live on a topmost floor.

8. Touristy

  • Definition: relating to or visited by tourists
  • Synonyms: catering for, overvisited
  • Example: This is a touristy spot.

9. Tenable

  • Definition: able to be maintained against attack
  • Synonyms: defensible, justifiable, defendable
  • Example: The house is tenable for three years.

10. Top-notch

  • Definition: of the highest quality
  • Synonyms: first-rate, first-class, top-grade
  • Example: That was a top-notch hotel.

Adjectives That Start with T to Describe Emotions

This section of the article comprises adjective words that start with T. The human experience is characterized by an astounding range of emotions. You never feel like you can adequately communicate them to yourself or others. Adjectives that start with the letter T will surely be useful.

1. Teary

  • Definition: full of tears; tearful
  • Synonyms: mournful, poignant, sad
  • Example: There were teary eyes all around.

2. Trusting

  • Definition: showing to have a belief in a person’s honesty or sincerity
  • Synonyms: trustful, unsuspicious, unquestioning
  • Example: It is not good to be too trusting of other people.

3. Tranquil

  • Definition: free from disturbance; calm
  • Synonyms: peaceful, restful, reposeful
  • Example: She was in a tranquil mood.

4. Touched

  • Definition: slightly mad; crazy
  • Synonyms: mad, insane, unbalanced
  • Example: She was a little touched to do her job.

5. Troubled

  • Definition: showing distress or anxiety
  • Synonyms: anxious, worried, concerned
  • Example: Have you seen his troubled face?

6. Tiresome

  • Definition: causing one to feel bored
  • Synonyms: boring, dull, tedious
  • Example: She was feeling tiresome.

7. Tired

  • Definition: in need of sleep or rest
  • Synonyms: worn out, exhausted, fatigued
  • Example: She looked tired.

8. Trustworthy

  • Definition: able to be relied on
  • Synonyms: reliable, dependable, honest
  • Example: She is a trustworthy neighbor.

9. Tormented

  • Definition: experiencing or characterized by severe suffering
  • Synonyms: agitated, anxious, concerned
  • Example: He is a tormented genius.

10. Taut

  • Definition: tense; not relaxed
  • Synonyms: flexed, tensed, tightened
  • Example: Her voice was taut with anger.

Descriptive Adjectives That Start with T

The usage of descriptive words beginning with T is straightforward, yet the impact on the listener is profound. You’ll notice how much more educated you feel after adding these T adjectives to describe someone to your vocabulary.

1. Thankless

  • Definition: showing no appreciation and gratitude
  • Synonyms: ungrateful, unappreciative, rude
  • Example: She is a thankless child.

2. Truthful

  • Definition: being real and true
  • Synonyms: candid, sincere, genuine
  • Example: He is a truthful witness.

3. Tearful

  • Definition: full of tears and sorrow
  • Synonyms: teary, weeping, emotional
  • Example: There were many tearful people.

6. Thin

  • Definition: having little, flesh or fat on the body
  • Synonyms: slim, lean, slender
  • Example: He is a thin, gawky adolescent.

5. Tiny

  • Definition: being short and little
  • Synonyms: small, little, petite
  • Example: She is a tiny woman.

6. Troublesome

  • Definition: causing trouble and annoyance
  • Synonyms: vexing, irritating, bothersome
  • Example: He is a troublesome child.

7. Tanned

  • Definition: having tan skin because of sunlight
  • Synonyms: suntanned, bronzed, brown
  • Example: She looks tanned and healthy.

8. Tall

  • Definition: being heighted
  • Synonyms: high, giant, towering
  • Example: He is a tall man.

9. True

  • Definition: being truthful and dutiful
  • Synonyms: genuine, right, loyal
  • Example: He is a true officer.

10. Torpid

  • Definition: mentally or physically inactive
  • Synonyms: lethargic, sluggish, inert
  • Example: She became torpid.

Uncommon Adjectives That Start with T to Improve Your Vocabulary

The following are some uncommon adjectives that begin with T. How many of these uncommon adjectives beginning with T do you use in everyday speech and writing?

1. Trivial

  • Definition: not worthy of much attention
  • Synonyms: insignificant, minor, minimal
  • Example: This is a trivial issue.

2. Twinkling

  • Definition: marked by glitter and sparkle
  • Synonyms: glistening, shining, bright
  • Example: There were twinkling harbor lights.

3. Thornless

  • Definition: lacking thorns or spikes
  • Synonyms: easy, convenient, comfortable
  • Example: There should be a thornless path.

4. Topical

  • Definition: bearing an up-to-date relevance and connection
  • Synonyms: current, contemporary, recent
  • Example: That was a topical issue.

5. Tangy

  • Definition: having a sharp and sour flavor
  • Synonyms: tart, piquant, sour
  • Example: This food has a tangy taste.

6. Tenderhearted

  • Definition: having a sensitive and sentimental heart
  • Synonyms: sensitive, considerate, emotional
  • Example: He is a tenderhearted man.

7. Taciturn

  • Definition: reserved or uncommunicative in speech
  • Synonyms: untalkative, uncommunicative, reticent
  • Example: She is a taciturn lady.

8. Tardy

  • Definition: being lazy and late
  • Synonyms: sluggish, late, laggard
  • Example: He is a tardy person.

9. Traitorous

  • Definition: characteristic of a traitor
  • Synonyms: treacherous, disloyal, treasonous
  • Example: She is a traitorous lady.

10. Tedious

  • Definition: causing weariness and boredom
  • Synonyms: boring, bland, exhaustive
  • Example: This is a tedious job.

Adjectives That Start with T – Full List (663 Words)

We looked at adjectives that start with the letter T. The list includes all adjectives that begin with the letter T. This is a comprehensive list of adjectives that start with T that can be found on the internet.

  • Tragic
  • Transparent
  • Typical
  • Tuneful
  • Trendy
  • Threatening
  • Toxic
  • Tricky
  • Thorough
  • Temporary
  • Tasty
  • Tender
  • Timely
  • Talented
  • Top
  • Thrifty
  • Thankful
  • Thoughtful
  • Tidy
  • Tasteful
  • Taunting
  • Tasteless
  • Taboo
  • Tense
  • Temperamental
  • Tarnished
  • Twitchy
  • Tepid
  • Torturous
  • Terrible
  • Touchy
  • Tolerant
  • Thrilled
  • Timid
  • Tactless
  • Trustful
  • Talkative
  • Tactful
  • Tough
  • Tenacious
  • Terrible
  • Trackless
  • Treeless
  • Tawdry
  • Timbered
  • Timeless
  • Topmost
  • Touristy
  • Tenable
  • Top-notch
  • Teary
  • Trusting
  • Tranquil
  • Touched
  • Troubled
  • Tiresome
  • Tired
  • Trustworthy
  • Tolerable
  • Tormented
  • Thankless
  • Truthful
  • Tearful
  • Thin
  • Tiny
  • Troublesome
  • Tanned
  • Tall
  • True
  • Torpid
  • Trivial
  • Twinkling
  • Thornless
  • Topical
  • Tangy
  • Tenderhearted
  • Taciturn
  • Tardy
  • Traitorous
  • Tedious
  • Touchable
  • Tyrannical
  • Tearing
  • Taillike
  • Tribadistic
  • Tyrannic
  • Tantric
  • Tapered
  • Trusted
  • Translunar
  • Teentsy
  • Tidal
  • Techy
  • Terminal
  • Telocentric
  • Trusty
  • Tuberculous
  • Tyrolese
  • Transcendental
  • Truehearted
  • Training
  • Technophobic
  • Twinning
  • Torturesome
  • Twinkly
  • Traveled
  • Talentless
  • Tokenish
  • Tarry
  • Token
  • Ticklish
  • Teasing
  • Thirty
  • Then
  • Traceable
  • Tightfisted
  • Tripartite
  • Thoroughgoing
  • Theistical
  • Thermonuclear
  • Twoscore
  • Tibial
  • Tubercular
  • Teal
  • Tyrolean
  • Trousered
  • Turbaned
  • Transitional
  • Toneless
  • Trim
  • Trained
  • Transposable
  • Thready
  • Timorous
  • Textbook
  • Tenured
  • Thermoset
  • Tactile
  • Thievish
  • Tamed
  • Terrifying
  • Theocratic
  • Thenal
  • Textual
  • Truant
  • Trifoliate
  • Triploid
  • Treed
  • Trapped
  • Thallophytic
  • Tractile
  • Tumid
  • Tight
  • Tortuous
  • Twiggy
  • Tamil
  • Tzarist
  • Tetanic
  • Teutonic
  • Tallish
  • Threefold
  • Turbulent
  • Teenaged
  • Timesaving
  • Toothsome
  • Tendencious
  • Typic
  • Thickheaded
  • Trepid
  • Trojan
  • Tabu
  • Transatlantic
  • Tined
  • Theoretical
  • Tractive
  • Trapezoidal
  • Torulose
  • Tenth
  • Thickening
  • Tessellated
  • Tubed
  • Transonic
  • Tenebrous
  • Terrestrial
  • Thundering
  • Towering
  • Telluric
  • Touristed
  • Tactual
  • Thieving
  • Twofold
  • Torrential
  • Tusked
  • Tufted
  • Teetotal
  • Tasmanian
  • Translunary
  • Transcutaneous
  • Trabeated
  • Temperate
  • Trenchant
  • Toxicant
  • Telepathic
  • Tattered
  • Trashed
  • Tinned
  • Tenanted
  • Temptable
  • Thalamocortical
  • Totalitarian
  • Tawny
  • Transversal
  • Terminological
  • Triune
  • Tautological
  • Thirdhand
  • Tahitian
  • Trilobated
  • Tyrannous
  • Twin
  • Therapeutic
  • Tearless
  • Tertiary
  • Tricksy
  • Testimonial
  • Thumping
  • Trifoliolate
  • Thunderous
  • Transmittable
  • Trifid
  • Telemetered
  • Topological
  • Trabeculate
  • Tartaric
  • Twentieth
  • Teensy
  • Tireless
  • Tricuspid
  • Typographic
  • Tudor
  • Thermolabile
  • Tipsy
  • Triassic
  • Testable
  • Terpsichorean
  • Tanzanian
  • Tegular
  • Their
  • Tilled
  • Tattling
  • Tiddly
  • Tested
  • Thermometric
  • Thematic
  • Triclinic
  • Tearaway
  • Tubular
  • Theoretic
  • Teratogenic
  • Taurine
  • Telegnostic
  • Terefah
  • Thunderstruck
  • Tactical
  • Threescore
  • Trinuclear
  • Transferable
  • Tertian
  • Tetrametric
  • Transmontane
  • Terrific
  • Telegraphic
  • Tangled
  • Tenebrious
  • Teen
  • Tuberous
  • Tan
  • Transmundane
  • Texan
  • Toeless
  • Thirtieth
  • Thriftless
  • Twopenny
  • Transmissible
  • Transcultural
  • Tigerish
  • Thirteenth
  • Trochaic
  • Thermostatic
  • Thoriated
  • Trifoliated
  • Trimmer
  • Thyroid
  • Thespian
  • Tropical
  • Telltale
  • Talismanic
  • Thinkable
  • Thick
  • Trinucleated
  • Tip-top
  • Toroidal
  • Testamentary
  • Tenebrific
  • Threepenny
  • Textural
  • Tympanic
  • Throwaway
  • Talky
  • Total
  • Tensed
  • Transplanted
  • Testy
  • Tibetan
  • Testaceous
  • Tributary
  • Teenage
  • Trainable
  • Tingling
  • Terminable
  • Ticking
  • Translucent
  • Thermic
  • Tuscan
  • Treacherous
  • Thousandth
  • Tangerine
  • Tarsal
  • Tragicomical
  • Taoist
  • Twee
  • Tiptoe
  • Tied
  • Twisted
  • Therapeutical
  • Transsexual
  • Thermionic
  • Thirsty
  • Tragicomic
  • Twilit
  • Transuranic
  • Totipotent
  • Thoracic
  • Travelable
  • Tillable
  • Tensile
  • Thinking
  • Tubeless
  • Tramontane
  • Triumphal
  • Trabeate
  • Tubby
  • Tonal
  • Thorny
  • Tref
  • Tricentenary
  • Throated
  • Transalpine
  • Trigonal
  • Transformed
  • Treelike
  • Truncate
  • Tralatitious
  • Tinpot
  • Tensionless
  • Tempestuous
  • Truncated
  • Touching
  • Torrid
  • Tangential
  • Tod
  • Taiwanese
  • Through
  • Tasseled
  • Tainted
  • Twinned
  • Tentacled
  • Turkic
  • Tetramerous
  • Telephonic
  • Togged
  • Tragical
  • Triplex
  • Tempted
  • Tinseled
  • Tranquilizing
  • Trivalent
  • Terrene
  • Timeworn
  • Tetragonal
  • Tricentennial
  • Trilobed
  • Translational
  • Transcendent
  • Tabular
  • Trashy
  • Twelve
  • Telekinetic
  • Tubal
  • Tutorial
  • Thriving
  • Tongan
  • Triumphant
  • Tobagonian
  • Ternary
  • Tritanopic
  • Tapestried
  • Toothed
  • Timeserving
  • Transverse
  • Tomentous
  • Turkmen
  • Traditional
  • Tender-hearted
  • Tonsorial
  • Tart
  • Testicular
  • Thyroidal
  • Triple
  • Trick
  • Thermosetting
  • Tenderised
  • Tacky
  • Tinny
  • Treasonable
  • Tellurian
  • Trihydroxy
  • Thundery
  • Tympanitic
  • Tractable
  • Troublous
  • Towheaded
  • Transnational
  • Tinkly
  • Textile
  • Treasonous
  • Transdermic
  • Transoceanic
  • Tinselly
  • Transformable
  • Trilateral
  • Toxicological
  • Tuxedoed
  • Tenfold
  • Twisty
  • Tentative
  • Topping
  • Trichromatic
  • Tripping
  • Tickling
  • Tameable
  • Topknotted
  • Tumultuous
  • Topographic
  • Treasured
  • Transvestite
  • Tottery
  • Troubling
  • Tightfitting
  • Tetchy
  • Tailless
  • Tabby
  • Tantamount
  • Tricolor
  • Tailored
  • Tumescent
  • Tacit
  • Trendsetting
  • Typographical
  • Trimotored
  • Trigonometric
  • Tonguelike
  • Totaled
  • Thickened
  • Thickset
  • Together
  • Thrashed
  • Theatrical
  • Trilingual
  • Tripinnate
  • Trillion
  • Taxable
  • Tantalising
  • Titanic
  • Trophotropic
  • Thermal
  • Trinidadian
  • Taxpaying
  • Telescoped
  • Terrified
  • Transportable
  • Taxonomic
  • Truculent
  • Twiglike
  • Tenderized
  • Titulary
  • Transplacental
  • Thrillful
  • Tectonic
  • Toilsome
  • Toadyish
  • Transactinide
  • Transient
  • Trimmed
  • Trite
  • Transistorized
  • Taloned
  • Thoroughbred
  • Tropic
  • Tonic
  • Tenuous
  • Timorese
  • Thistlelike
  • Tongueless
  • Teeny
  • Tannic
  • Thoughtless
  • Targeted
  • Turgid
  • Thwartwise
  • Technophilic
  • Treble
  • Transformational
  • Thirteen
  • Tribal
  • Thyrotoxic
  • Trabecular
  • Toothlike
  • Tunisian
  • Traversable
  • Traumatic
  • Trilobate
  • Tightlipped
  • Tattooed
  • Trancelike
  • Transitory
  • Tortious
  • Tousled
  • Taupe
  • Tranquillizing
  • Tetravalent
  • Taxing
  • Tensional
  • Tremendous
  • Trophic
  • Triennial
  • Tuberculoid
  • Tame
  • Trinucleate
  • Thermoelectric
  • Thracian
  • Theban
  • Threatened
  • Thickspread
  • Trilled
  • Tajikistani
  • Topnotch
  • Tubelike
  • Tutelary
  • Tannish
  • Tomentose
  • Tiptop
  • Transpolar
  • Transformative
  • Tenor
  • Tsaristic
  • Tendentious
  • Threadlike
  • Thrilling
  • Technological
  • Throbbing
  • Treatable
  • Turbid
  • Tautologic
  • Thalloid
  • Transmutable
  • Topographical
  • Tippy
  • Totemic
  • Testate
  • Trophoblastic
  • Tutelar
  • Taxonomical
  • Toupeed
  • Transplantable
  • Transeunt
  • Tempting
  • Third
  • Thermodynamic
  • Throaty
  • Thrombosed
  • Tuppeny
  • Tangible
  • Theological
  • Tiring
  • Togolese
  • Tartarean
  • Theatrically
  • Tweedy
  • Turkish
  • Topless
  • Tuneless
  • Territorial
  • Tardive
  • Triangular
  • Tendinous
  • Throwback
  • Turbinate
  • Toothy
  • Tantalizing
  • Tantrik
  • Teachable
  • Transdermal
  • Tasselled
  • Transpiring
  • Terete
  • Thoreauvian
  • Theist
  • Trichrome
  • Ternate
  • Triangulate
  • Toothless
  • Thermoplastic
  • Totalistic
  • Tricuspidate
  • Trig
  • Transgendered
  • Translatable
  • Transcontinental
  • Tracheal
  • Tsarist
  • Trackable
  • Terse
  • Transvestic
  • Technical
  • Titular
  • Toxicologic
  • Trifling
  • Trillionth
  • Tatterdemalion
  • Tatty
  • Transitive
  • Twilled
  • Teeming
  • Twenty
  • Tomboyish
  • Threadbare
  • Temporal
  • Theistic
  • Thalassic
  • Topologic
  • Twilight
  • Tuberculate
  • Tentacular
  • True-blue
  • Thousand
  • Thinned
  • Tremulous
  • Thumbed
  • Telescopic
  • Twelfth
  • Thenar
  • Taliped
  • Talebearing

Final Thoughts on Adjectives That Start with T

Do you feel more educated now that you’ve studied adjectives that start with T? If you read them repeatedly, you will notice a significant improvement. The more you read this article, the more you’ll learn.

The most straightforward way to remember them is to study two adjectives daily. Begin utilizing these adjectives that start with T in social situations.

To become natural and fluent, a lot of practice is required. So, keep studying and using these descriptive words that start with T as often as possible. Adjectives starting with T have a positive effect on your ideas.

The more a person’s vocabulary grows, the better he will be able to communicate his views to a group of educated individuals. This article should have helped you expand your vocabulary.

List of 663 Adjectives That Start with T with Definitions and Examples - (2024)


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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.