Human Chromosome Nomenclature: An Overview and Definition of Terms (2024)

Fig. 3.1

G-banded normal male karyotype illustrating the characteristic size, centromere position, and G-banding banding pattern for each human chromosome pair

Chromosome Banding and Identification

Launched in the early 1970s, banding methods allow for the identification of chromosomes not only by length and centromere position, but also by their unique banding properties. Figure 3.1 illustrates the characteristic size, centromere position, and G-banding banding pattern for each human chromosome pair. The commonly used G-, Q-, and R-banding techniques show bands distributed along the entire chromosome, whereas the C-, T-, or NOR-banding techniques are used to identify specific chromosome structures that are heritable features (Table 3.1; see also Chap. 4). To identify each chromosome in the human karyotype, it is important to be familiar with the characteristic morphological features or landmarks of each chromosome, such as the telomeres that cap the ends of the chromosomes, the centromere or “primary constriction” that divides a chromosome into two arms, and certain defined bands (Fig. 3.2). The symbols p and q are used to designate the short and long arms, respectively. Convention places the short arm or “p” (from the French petite) arm at the top in diagrammatic representations and the long or “q” arm at the bottom. Characteristic regions and bands within a given chromosome are observed when banding techniques are used. Chromosome regions refer to those areas lying between two distinct landmarks and are divided into bands. For example, the long arm of chromosome 7 has three regions: 7q1, 7q2, and 7q3 (Fig. 3.2). These regions are further subdivided into bands. A band is defined as a part of the chromosome that is clearly distinguishable from its adjacent segments based on its staining properties.

Table 3.1

Commonly used banding and staining techniques in human cytogenetics

Commonly used banding and staining techniques in human cytogenetics


Q-banding a fluorescent stain (quinacrine dihydrochloride) produces specific banding patterns for each pair of hom*ologous chromosomes similar to G-banding, excellent for identifying centromeric regions of chromosomes 3, 4, and 13, some acrocentric chromosomes and the Y chromosome. AT-rich (gene poor) regions fluoresce brightly with Q-banding


Q-bands by fluorescence


Q-bands by fluorescence using quinacrine


Q-bands by fluorescence using Hoechst 33258 dye


G-banding Giemsa stain produces specific banding patterns for each pair of hom*ologous chromosomes similar to Q-banding. The chromosomes are treated with trypsin to partially digest the chromosome prior to being stained. AT-rich (gene poor) regions stain darkly with G-banding


G-bands by trypsin


G-bands by trypsin using Giemsa


G-bands by trypsin using Leishman stain


G-bands by trypsin using Wright stain


C-banding after barium hydroxide treatment, Giemsa stain is used to stain constitutive heterochromatin close to the centromeres and on the long arm of the Y chromosome. C-banding is used to identify dicentric chromosomes and variations of constitutive heterochromatin


C-bands by barium hydroxide


C-bands by barium hydroxide using Giemsa


R-banding a staining method in which chromosomes are heated in a phosphate buffer and then stained to produce a banding pattern that is the reverse of that produced with G-banding


R-bands by fluorescence


R-bands by fluorescence using acridine orange


R-bands by heating


R-bands by heating using Giemsa


R-bands by 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine (BrdU)


R-bands by BrdU using Giemsa


R-bands by BrdU using acridine orange


4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) staining permits characterization of AT-rich (DAPI+) or AT-poor (DAPI-) heterochromatic regions, especially when counterstained with chromomycin A3, which preferentially binds to GC-rich DNA


DAPI-bands by Distamycin A and DAPI


Nucleolus organizing region staining a staining method utilizing silver nitrate, which preferentially accumulates in the NORs located on the stalks of the acrocentric chromosomes that contain active ribosomal RNA genes


T-banding—a Giemsa staining technique that stains the telomeres (ends) and the centromeres of chromosomes

Human Chromosome Nomenclature: An Overview and Definition of Terms (1)

Fig. 3.2

Characteristic morphological features of a human chromosome. Chromosome 7 is used in this example. Chromosomes have major landmarks, including the centromere or primary constriction, certain bands, and the telomeres that cap both ends of the chromosomes. The centromere divides the chromosomes into the short or “p” and long or “q” arms. Each arm is divided into 1–4 regions. Each band within a region is numbered centromere to telomere. Bands may be subdivided into sub-bands

As a general rule, a chromosome band contains ∼5–10 megabases (Mb) of DNA. “High-resolution” cytogenetic techniques (see Chap. 4) produce elongated chromosomes that allow further refinement of karyotypic aberrations by subdividing bands into smaller sub-bands. Banding resolution and patterns may vary depending on the banding method employed (Table 3.1), so it is important to state the level of banding resolution and banding method employed on the final report when describing a cytogenetic result. The gene content of chromosome bands is also variable and, in general, reflects functionality.

Giemsa or G-banding is the most common banding method employed in North American cytogenetics laboratories. G-dark (positive) bands are AT rich, gene poor, and late replicating. The early replicating G-light (negative) bands are GC rich, gene rich, and late replicating. Reverse or R-banding shows this banding pattern in reverse (i.e., reversal of light and dark G-bands). However, the numbering of the bands is identical with both banding methods. Additional banding/staining methods are used to detect specific chromosome regions or abnormalities. For example, centromeric and pericentromeric DNA are comprised of alpha-satellite and various other families of repetitive satellite DNA, which are easily visualized using constitutive heterochromatin (C-banding) methods. C-banding is particularly useful when identifying the morphologically variable heterochromatin regions of the Y chromosome and chromosomes 1, 9, and 16. The short arms of the acrocentric chromosomes house the ribosomal RNA gene clusters in the nucleolar organizing regions (NORs), which form the nucleolus of the cell. NORs are detected by silver-based NOR staining. Finally, telomeres are comprised of (TTAGGG)n mini-satellite repeats that stain darkly with T-banding. Technical details of the various chromosome banding methods may be found in Chap. 4.

Figure 3.3 shows the idiograms or diagrammatic representations of the G-banding patterns for normal human chromosomes 1 and 13 at five successive levels of resolution. The centromere itself is designated as “10,” with the part adjacent to the short arm as “p10” and the part adjacent to the long arm as “q10.” The bands and regions are numbered outward from the centromere to the telomeres. Four distinct chromosome units—the chromosome number, the chromosome arm, the region number, and the band number within a region—are needed to describe a precise location within a specific chromosome. For example, 7q34 refers to chromosome 7, long arm, region 3, band 4 (Fig. 3.2). This is referred to as “seven q three four,” NOT “seven q thirty-four.” If “high-resolution” banding is used, the band may be further subdivided using a decimal point after the band designation. Having a copy of the human chromosome idiograms and a reference set of well-banded karyotypes representing the banding methods and banding level of resolution routinely employed by the laboratory is helpful.

Human Chromosome Nomenclature: An Overview and Definition of Terms (2)

Fig. 3.3

Idiograms or diagrammatic representations of the G-banding patterns for normal human chromosomes (a) 1 and (b) 13 at five successive levels of resolution. From left to right, the chromosomes represent a haploid karyotype of 300-, 400-, 550-, 700-, and 850-band level. The dark bands represent the G-positive and bright Q-bands, with the exception of the variable regions. R-bands will have the reverse banding pattern, but the numbering of the bands remains unchanged (Reproduced from ISCN [2] with permission from Nicole L. Chia)

Karyotype Descriptions

Karyotype descriptions convey the total number of chromosomes, the sex chromosome complement, and a description of any chromosome abnormalities present. The correct use of punctuation in the nomenclature string brings structure and meaning to the description. Table 3.2 provides a quick reference guide of the conventional cytogenetic ISCN punctuation symbols and their meaning.

Table 3.2

ISCN punctuation and significance




Approximate sign

Denotes intervals and expresses uncertainty about breakpoints, number of chromosomes, fragments, or markers; denotes chromosome range when the exact number cannot be determined


Denotes from → to in the detailed system

Bracket, angle

< >

Denotes ploidy level

Bracket, square

[ ]

Denotes number of cells in a cell line/clone

Colon, single


Break in the detailed system

Colon, double


Break and reunion in the detailed system



Separates chromosome, numbers, sex chromosomes, and chromosome aberrations

Decimal point


Denotes sub-bands

Equal sign


Number of chiasmata

Letter “c”


Indicates a constitutional abnormality in a cancer karyotype. Always placed immediately after the constitutional abnormality

Minus sign


Multiplication sign


Multiple copies of rearranged chromosomes or number of copies of a chromosomal region


( )

Surround structurally altered chromosomes and breakpoints



Separates various banding/staining techniques

Plus sign



Question mark


Questionable identification of a chromosome or chromosome structure


Human Chromosome Nomenclature: An Overview and Definition of Terms (3)

Separates altered chromosomes and breakpoints in structural rearrangements involving more than one chromosome

Slant line, single


Separates cell lines/clones

Slant line double


Separates chimeric cell lines/clones

Underlining, single


Used to distinguish hom*ologous chromosomes

The description of any human karyotype begins with two basic components separated by a comma; the total number of chromosomes is listed first, followed by the sex chromosome complement. Thus, a normal male karyotype is written as 46,XY, and a normal female karyotype is designated as 46,XX.

There are a few additional basic rules to describing chromosome aberrations:

  • 1.As with normal karyotypes, chromosome number (or chromosome range, see later in chapter) is listed first, followed by the sex chromosome complement and any aberrations. Commas separate chromosome number, the sex chromosome complement, and each abnormality from one another within the nomenclature string. An exception exists when a triplet abbreviation is needed before the chromosome number (e.g., mos for mosaic, see later). In these circ*mstances, a space must be used after any abbreviation and before the chromosome number (Table 3.3).

    Table 3.3

    Reporting mosaicism, chimerism, and chimerism secondary to bone marrow stem cell transplantation


    Interpretation or rule used

    mos 47,XY,+18/46,XY

    When present, a normal cell line is listed last

    mos 45,X[20]/47,XXX[10]/46,XX[20]

    When several cell lines are present, size matters: the largest is presented first, then the second largest, etc.; normal cell lines are listed last, when present

    chi 46,XY[25]/46,XX[10]

    Largest clone is presented first in chimeras


    In the event of equivalent clone size, numerical abnormalities are reported before structural ones


    In the event of equivalent clone size with numerical abnormalities, the cell lines are listed from lowest to highest autosome number


    Clones with sex abnormalities are always reported first


    Four cells from the female recipient were detected along with 16 cells from the male donor


    Five female recipient cells showed an (8;21) translocation, along with 15 normal male donor cells


    All 20 cells analyzed were derived from the male donor


    All 20 cells analyzed were derived from the female recipient (host)

  • 2.Sex chromosome abnormalities are listed before any autosomal aberrations, and X chromosome abnormalities are presented before those involving the Y chromosome.

  • 3.Autosomal abnormalities follow any sex chromosome aberration and are listed in numerical order irrespective of aberration type. Multiple structural changes of hom*ologous chromosomes are listed in alphabetical order according to their abbreviated term (e.g., a deletion would be written before an insertion).

  • 4.If a chromosome has both numerical and structural aberrations, numerical aberrations are listed first followed by structural aberrations; for example, trisomy 8 is listed before a translocation involving chromosomes 8 and 14.

  • 5.Letters or triplets are used to specify structurally altered chromosomes (see Table 3.4).

    Table 3.4

    Short and detailed ISCN for common cytogenetic aberrations

    Aberration type



    Additional material of unknown origin attached to a chromosome region or band






    Material of unknown original attached to the long arm of chromosome 1 at band 1q21. Chromosome 1 material distal to band q21 is lost


    Deletion or loss of chromosome material. May be either terminal or interstitial







    Interstitial deletion with breakage and reunion (::) of bands 7q22 and 7q31. The segment lying between those two bands is deleted







    Terminal deletion with a break in band 7q22. Segment distal to 7q22 is deleted


    Derivative or structurally rearranged chromosome with an intact centromere






    Derivative chromosome 5 with a pericentric inversion (breakage and reunion of bands 5p13 and 5q13 and a 180° rotation of the segment) with an interstitial deletion with breakage and reunion (::) of band 5q31 and 5q33. The segment lying between the latter two bands is deleted


    Dicentric chromosome has two centromeres but counted as one chromosome. There is no need to indicate that one normal chromosome is missing.






    Dicentric chromosome with breaks and reunion at bands 13q14 and 14q24. The missing chromosomes13 and 14 are not indicated because they are replaced by the dicentric. The karyotype has one normal chromosome13, one normal chromosome14, and the dic(13;14). The resulting net imbalance is loss of the segments distal to 13q14 and 14q24.


    Duplication of genetic material is present. Band order indicates whether this is direct or inverted






    Direct duplication of the segment between bands 1q21 and 1q32




    dup(1)(q32q21) or dup(1)(q32q21)


    Inverted duplication of the segment 1q21 to 1q32. The detailed system clarifies the location of the duplicated segment


    Intrachromosomal hom*ogeneously staining region indicating gene amplification






    hom*ogeneously staining region in band 8q24.1


    Insertion of material from one site into another site. Band order indicates whether this is direct or inverted. May involve one or more chromosomes.






    Inverted insertion of the long arm 5q15 to 5q31 segment into the chromosome 5 short arm at 5q13. Band orientation within the segment is reversed with respect to the centromere, that is, 5q15 is more distal to the centromere than 5q31


    Inversion of a chromosome segment: breakpoints may be on either side of the centromere (pericentric) or within the same chromosome arm (paracentric)






    Pericentric inversion with breakage and reunion at bands 9p13 and 9q21


    Isochromosome, a mirror image of chromosome from its centromere






    Isochromosome for the entire long arm of one chromosome 17. The centromeric band q10 indicates an isochromosome of the long arm. If band p10 was listed, the isochromosome would be comprised of the short arm. The shorter designation of i(17q) may be used in the text but never in the nomenclature string


    Ring chromosome






    Ring chromosome with breakage and reunion at bands 6p23 and 6q25. The segments distal to the two breakpoints are deleted


    Recombinant chromosome due to meiotic crossing-over. This term is only used when the parental karyotype is known (include “mat” or “pat”); otherwise, use “der”



    Unknown rec





    Balanced translocation involving two or more chromosomes. Also use “t” to describe balanced whole-arm translocations. See text for reporting Robertsonian translocations.






    3-way balanced translocation where the segment distal to 8p21 is translocated to chromosome 9 at band 9q34.1, the segment distal to 9q34.1 is translocated to chromosome 22 at band 22q11.2, and the segment distal to 22q11.2 is translocated to chromosome 8 at band 8p21


    Tricentric chromosome is counted as one chromosome (note chromosome count). The chromosome with the lowest number is specified first followed by the order of appearance within this chromosome






    A tricentric chromosome where band 5q31 is fused with 11q13 and 11p15 is fused with 8q22


    Triplication of chromosome material. Orientation of the triplicated segment is only obvious using the detailed system






    Inverted triplication of the 1q21 and 1q31 segments

  • 6.Parentheses are used to identify chromosomes involved in a specific aberration. The first set of parentheses identifies which chromosome or chromosomes are involved. The second set of parentheses denotes the exact chromosome band of the aberration for each of the chromosomes listed in the first set of parentheses. In both sets of parentheses, semicolons are used to separate multiple chromosomes or bands.

  • 7.If the aberration involves a sex chromosome, it is always listed first; otherwise, the autosome with the lowest number is specified first. However, if an aberration involves a three-break rearrangement, such as observed in “Insertions” (see later), the receptor chromosome is specified before the donor chromosome (also see “Translocations” later).

  • 8.A semicolon is used between chromosomes and breakpoints within sets of parentheses if two or more chromosomes have been altered in a rearrangement. No semicolon is used in the second set of parentheses for any rearrangement that involves a single chromosome.

  • 9.A break suspected at the interface of two bands should be assigned the higher band number or the number more distal to (farther from) the centromere.

  • 10.Different clones or cell lines are separated by a single slant line (/).

  • 11.Square brackets [ ] are placed after the karyotype string to designate the number of cells of each cell line or clone. In constitutional studies, the size of the cell lines determines the order of presentation in the karyotype. In cancer studies, the use of square brackets is critical because multiple clones indicating clonal evolution of disease may be observed at varying levels, and various therapies may eliminate or lessen one subclone but give another subclone a growth advantage.

The following are examples using these basic guidelines; refer also to each specific section below for additional information:

This is a female with a balanced paracentric inversion (an inversion involving a single chromosome arm) of the long arm of chromosome 3. One break occurred at band 3q21 and the other at 3q26.2. The chromosome segment between those breakpoints is present but inverted 180°. There are no spaces after any commas in the description, and there is no semicolon in the second set of parentheses because the aberration affects a single chromosome. When normal chromosomes are replaced by structurally altered chromosomes, there is no need to record the normal chromosome as missing. In this case, the nomenclature implies that one morphologically normal chromosome 3 and one inv(3q) are present in this XX karyotype with 46 chromosomes. See also “Inversions” later.

This is a male karyotype showing a balanced translocation between the X chromosome and chromosome 9. The breakpoints for this translocation are Xp22.3 and 9q22, respectively. The chromosomal segments distal to these breakpoints have been exchanged. Note that the normal sex chromosome in this example is written before the X chromosome aberration. Semicolons are present in both sets of parentheses because two chromosomes are involved.

This is a female karyotype in which material from the long arm of chromosome 2 between bands q22 and q32 (donor chromosome) is inserted into the long arm of chromosome 5 at band q13 (receptor chromosome). This is a direct insertion because the original orientation of the inserted segment has been maintained in its new position; that is, band 2q22 remains more proximal, or closer, to the centromere than band 2q31. If the insertion were inverted in the receptor chromosome 5, the ISCN would be written as ins(5;2)(q13;q32q22), indicating that band 2q22 is now more distal to the centromere than band 2q32.

These denote the same aberration, a translocation involving an X chromosome and chromosome 18, in either a female or male, respectively. The normal sex chromosome is listed before the rearranged one.

If both the X and Y chromosome are involved in aberrations, the abnormality involving the X chromosome is listed before that of the Y chromosome.

This describes a mosaic karyotype with one cell line showing a single X chromosome in 25 cells and a second cell line with a normal female (XX) sex chromosome complement in 15 cells. Note the use of a space between mos and the chromosome number and the (optional) use of square brackets to indicate the number of cells in each cell line. See also “Mosaicism and Chimerism” later.

This is a female with two different aberrations involving chromosome 8. The numerical aberration is listed before the structural aberration.

This male patient has two clones; these are separated by a slant line (/). The first clone of 16 cells shows a translocation between the long arms of chromosomes 9 and 22, with breaks at bands 9q34.1 and 22q11.2, respectively. The segments distal to the breakpoints have been exchanged (Fig. 3.4). The second clone of four cells shows gain of chromosome 8 as the sole clonal aberration. The abnormalities observed in the first clone are not seen in the second clone and vice versa. This situation is seen in neoplasia; see “Describing Cancer Karyotypes” later.

Human Chromosome Nomenclature: An Overview and Definition of Terms (4)

Fig. 3.4

Diagrammatic dissection of translocation nomenclature. A translocation is indicated by the letter “t” followed by two sets of parentheses. The first set of parentheses will describe the chromosomes involved in the translocation. In this example, chromosomes 9 and 22 are involved. If a sex chromosome was involved, it would be listed before any autosomal aberration with X chromosome abnormalities presented before those involving the Y chromosome. Autosome abnormalities are listed in numerical order. The second set of parentheses denotes the exact chromosome band of the aberration for each of the chromosomes listed in the first set of parentheses. The breakpoints involved in this translocation involve bands 9q34.1 and 22q11.2. Semicolons are used to identify the different chromosomes and their corresponding breakpoints.

Constitutional and acquired (neoplastic) karyotypes may show a tremendous range of structural abnormalities. ISCN allows for both an abbreviated or short system as well as a detailed system of nomenclature. Whenever possible, use of the short system is strongly encouraged; all examples to this point are written in this way. Using the short system, the chromosome number, sex chromosome complement, type of rearrangement, the chromosome(s) involved, and the breakpoints are indicated. However, complex rearrangements, especially structural aberrations with multiple gains and losses or involving multiple chromosomes, may necessitate the use of a detailed system that describes the involved chromosomes from end to end. The detailed system is particularly useful when describing complex acquired aberrations in malignant disorders.

The rules used in the short system are retained in the detailed system with one exception. Instead of writing the breakpoints within the last parentheses, an abbreviated description of the band composition of the rearranged chromosome(s) starting from the end of the short arm (pter) and proceeding to the end of the long arm (qter) is specified, that is, the bands are identified in the order in which they occur in the derivative chromosome. In the detailed system, a single colon denotes a break, a double colon denotes breakage and reunion, and an arrow indicates “from→to.” If there are doubts as to whether to use the short or detailed system, first write the short system and determine if the aberration(s) can be accurately drawn as described in the nomenclature string. If the abnormalities cannot be correctly visualized using the short system, the detailed system should be used. The detailed system was devised to be flexible; therefore, if only one of several chromosome aberrations requires the use of the detailed system, it is acceptable to combine the short and detailed systems to describe the karyotype. Table 3.4 lists the most common structural aberrations found in human karyotypes with interpretation of the findings and examples of how to write them in both the short and detailed systems.

Numerical Abnormalities and Ploidy

Gains and losses of whole chromosomes in the karyotype string are usually denoted by the use of either a plus (+) or minus (−) sign before the aberrant chromosome; for example, 47,XY,+21. The exception is the sex chromosomes in constitutional studies, where sex chromosome gains and losses are indicated by listing the chromosome(s) present (e.g., 45,X or 47,XXY) without use of plus or minus signs. Acquired sex chromosome aberrations are written with plus and minus signs (see “Describing Cancer Karyotypes” later).

Ploidy refers to the number of sets of chromosomes present. Thus, diploid refers to the normal situation of two sets of each chromosome (e.g., 46,XX or 46,XY). A haploid, triploid, or tetraploid karyotype is evident from the chromosome number; for example, 23,X, 69,XXY, or 92,XXYY, respectively. If additional chromosome changes are evident, these are expressed in relation to the appropriate ploidy level. The ploidy levels most commonly used in human karyotyping, most often in acquired diseases, are:

  • Near-haploid (1n), which describes chromosome counts up to 34 chromosomes; numerical abnormalities are expressed in relation to 23 chromosomes.

  • Near-diploid (2n), which describes counts with 35–57 chromosomes; numerical abnormalities being expressed in relation to 46 chromosomes.

  • Near-triploid (3n), which describes karyotypes with 58–80 chromosomes; numerical aberrations are expressed in relation to 69 chromosomes.

  • Near-tetraploid (4n), which describes karyotypes with 81–103 chromosomes; numerical changes are expressed in relation to 92 chromosomes.

This represents a near-haploid karyotype with two copies of chromosomes 4 and 10 and single copies of all other chromosomes.

This describes a near-triploid karyotype with four copies of chromosome 13 and three copies of all other chromo­somes.

This represents a near-tetraploid karyotype with three copies of chromosomes 2 and 5, five copies of chromosomes 8 and 21, and four copies of all other chromosomes.

For more complex ploidy changes, please refer to ISCN [2].

At times, the biology of the study or the chromosome number will vary between two ploidy levels. Because precise communication of the karyotypic data is key, these cases may be written with the ploidy level in angle brackets “< >” immediately after the chromosome number and before the sex chromosome complement. For example, high hyperdiploidy, a favorable finding in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), may be written relative to 2n ploidy even though it represents a near-triploid clone; for example, 59<2n>,XX,+X,+4,+5,+6,+10,+10,+14,+14,+17,+17,+18,+18,+21.

Endoreduplication (end) is a special form of duplication of the genome without mitosis, giving rise to four-stranded chromosomes at prophase and metaphase. Endoreduplication should be written as end 46,XY. Note the space after the triplet and before the chromosome number.

Structural Chromosome Abnormalities

Abbreviations are used to specify structural abnormalities (see Table 3.4) and precede the chromosome(s) involved in the aberration in the nomenclature string.

Deletions (del)

Deletions result in loss of a chromosome segment. Terminal deletions are caused by a single break with loss of the segment distal to the break. Interstitial deletions result from two breaks in a chromosome, loss of the intervening segment, and reunion of the breakpoints.

This describes a terminal deletion of the short arm of chromosome 5. All chromosomal material distal to band p15.3 is missing.

This represents an interstitial deletion of the long arm of chromosome 20. The material between bands q11.2 and q13.3 is deleted. Note that no semicolon separates the breakpoints, as this abnormality involves a single chromosome.

Additional examples are presented in Table 3.4. “High-resolution” banding (see Chap. 4) allows for the detection of deletions within a single chromosome band. Such deletions should be written denoting that two breaks have occurred in a single band, for example, del(4)(q12q12).

Ring Chromosomes (r)

Ring chromosomes, or rings, are donut-shaped structures that may involve one or more chromosomes. When a single chromosome is involved, a semicolon is not used between the band designations (see additional example in Table 3.4):

This describes a ring derived from chromosome 7. Breaks have occurred at bands p22 and q36, and the ends of the segment between the breakpoints have rejoined. The acentric (without a centromere) segments distal to the breakpoints have been lost.

When two chromosomes are involved and a monocentric (one centromere) ring chromosome and an acentric segment results, “der” should be used (see “Derivative (der) and Recombinant (rec) Chromosomes” later).

This indicates a ring derived from the segment between the breakpoints p11.2 and q22 of chromosome 18 and an acentric fragment of unknown origin.

If the origin of a ring chromosome is not known, it is listed after all known aberrations but before other markers:

This indicates that two distinctly different clonally occurring rings and a marker chromosome are present.

If multiple rings are present but it is not known if any of the rings are identical, the rings are denoted by a plus sign and the number of rings identified; for example, the presence of three rings is described as +3r.

Inversions (inv)

In an inversion, a chromosomal segment breaks, reorients 180°, and reinserts itself. If an inversion involves the centromere, with one break in each chromosome arm, it is said to be pericentric. A paracentric inversion is isolated to one chromosome arm and does not involve the centromere.

This is a pericentric inversion of chromosome 16. A break has occurred in the short arm at band 16p13.1 and the long arm at band 16q22. The chromosome segment between these bands is present but inverted. This aberration is commonly observed in acute myelomonocytic leukemia with eosinophilia (see also Chap. 15).

This is a paracentric inversion involving bands q21 and q26.2 in the long arm of chromosome 3. This rearrangement is also seen in acute myeloid leukemia (see also Chap. 15).

For additional examples, see Table 3.4.

Duplications (dup)

The orientation of duplications is either direct or inverted and is indicated by the order of the bands with respect to the centromere in the karyotype designation. The band closest to the centromere is written first in the short system; only the detailed system can pinpoint the exact location of the duplicated segment.

Human Chromosome Nomenclature: An Overview and Definition of Terms (5)

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