How much should I weigh with muscle? Male vs Female (2024)

I created this article because from experience I’ve noticed that most people have no idea what they should be weighing. In addition to ignorance you also have the psychology factors. People who are very obese cannot imagine themselves at their normal weight. They have all these negative thoughts about sagging skin, looking like they’re going to disappear, and in the end they plan their weight loss program incorrectly.

I’m going to be straight forward. This guide serves to tell you what your ideal body weight should be at the ideal body fat derived from hundreds of clients, developing hundreds possibly over a thousand programs, a decade of bodybuilding competition, and so I’d like to think I know what I’m talking about.

If you are extremely overweight, the numbers you are going to find are going to seem impossible. They are going to seem ridiculous. The bottom line is that they are what they are. The right number is not what you think it is unless you have been studying this for decades. Without further ado read ahead and figure out your ideal body weight based on what you consider to be your ideal body type.

Find your ideal weight in 2 steps:

Step 1: Find your ideal body type’s description. I categorized ideal body types into 5 different goals:

I call them goals because getting each body type requires a specific way of training to get there. You can definitely be born with the genetics to get there faster, easier, and naturally, but you still have to put the work in to maintain and go to the next level.

Ideal body type descriptions (Men and Women):

How much should I weigh with muscle? Male vs Female (1)
  • Healthy Normal: Those aiming for this category are not concerned with being toned, muscular, or shredded. Those wanting to make this their ideal body shape just want to be at a healthy weight with the ability to do athletic activities but not competitively. Just a healthy looking normal person but still lightly active. Features include flat stomach but no cuts or definition, little definition, but by no means would they be considered overweight or obese.
  • Athletic Normal: Like a healthy normal body, but a little toner and a little more muscular. Abs aren’t shredded or really defined but have some shape and tonality. Physical performance is better then healthy normal individuals and would most likely do better in physical events such as a 5k run, 5k or 7k obstacle race, and are usually a little stronger then the average person. For women who want to compete in a bodybuilding show, this would be a bikini type body. Men can compete in men’s physique but will probably be undersized nowadays.
  • Athletic Muscular: Similar to Athletic Normal, but more muscle and definitely leaner. Visible abs, and physical performance is high. Can compete in higher performance competitions such as Crossfit, 7k and 10k Spartan races, or any other sports such as volleyball, wrestling, in high school and college level. In bodybuilding, women can probably do well in figure, but most likely will be undersized. The key is big round shoulders. In physique, women may be undersized as well but in physique, a more balanced physique is rewarded and may actually do better in this category then figure. For men, with this body type, can do very well in Men’s Physique but may or may not be undersized for Classic Physique. With that said, there’s still a great chance of doing well in Classic Physique if the man is well balanced, proportioned, and conditioned.
  • Muscular: Here we get into bodybuilding type body type. For men, this category is more of a classic physique and but athlete’s can easily transition into men’s Physique as well as bodybuilding. For women, this would be for those wanting to compete in Figure and Physique. In figure big round shoulders are rewarded while in Physique more balance and structure is rewarded.
  • Bodybuilding: These are for those who want to be as big as possible. For women, they can still compete at physique, but if brought back, you’d also be open class bodybuilding. Men, if you want to compete in bodybuilding, this can work at any weight class in the amateur league, NPC, but for professional, your options are 212 and open. 212 is for the shorter bodybuilders, 5’7 and below, while open class is 5’8 and above and much heavier then 212lbs. These are the mass monsters of the bodybuilding world.

See this video about the ideal body weight formula to gain more knowledge into the subject.

Step 2: Calculate your ideal weight using the appropriate chart:

Instructions for finding your ideal body weight:

Use the intersection method by first, scrolling down to find your height, move to your ideal category, the weight specified at the intersection pint is my recommendation for your ideal body weight. This is the goal that you will be creating a nutrition and training program for. At the bottom I also created an array to make it even easier. Just find your height and ideal body shape.

Ideal body weight charts for men and women:

Ideal body weight guide for females

How much should I weigh with muscle? Male vs Female (2)

Ideal body weight guide for Males

Use these arrays to find your ideal and healthy body weight should you not be able to use the chart images for whatever reason:

Recommended ideal and healthy weight for women:

  • WOMEN: Height 4’10 Normal – 20%BF 95lbs – Athletic – 16%BF 100lbs – Athletic Muscular – 14%BF 115lbs – Muscular – 14%BF 125lbs – Bodybuilder – 14%BF 140lbs
  • WOMEN: Height 4’11 Normal – 20%BF 100lbs – Athletic – 16%BF 105lbs – Athletic Muscular – 14%BF 120lbs – Muscular – 14%BF 130lbs – Bodybuilder – 14%BF 145lbs
  • WOMEN: Height 5’0 Normal – 20%BF 105lbs – Athletic – 16%BF 110lbs – Athletic Muscular – 14%BF 125lbs – Muscular – 14%BF 135lbs – Bodybuilder – 14%BF 150lbs
  • WOMEN: Height 5’1 Normal – 20%BF 110lbs – Athletic – 16%BF 115lbs – Athletic Muscular – 14%BF 130lbs – Muscular – 14%BF 140lbs – Bodybuilder – 14%BF 155lbs
  • WOMEN: Height 5’2 Normal – 20%BF 115lbs – Athletic – 16%BF 120lbs – Athletic Muscular – 14%BF 135lbs – Muscular – 14%BF 145lbs – Bodybuilder – 14%BF 160lbs
  • WOMEN: Height 5’3 Normal – 20%BF 120lbs – Athletic – 16%BF 125lbs – Athletic Muscular – 14%BF 140lbs – Muscular – 14%BF 150lbs – Bodybuilder – 14%BF 165lbs
  • WOMEN: Height 5’4 Normal – 20%BF 125lbs – Athletic – 16%BF 130lbs – Athletic Muscular – 14%BF 145lbs – Muscular – 14%BF 155lbs – Bodybuilder – 14%BF 170lbs
  • WOMEN: Height 5’5 Normal – 20%BF 130lbs – Athletic – 16%BF 135lbs – Athletic Muscular – 14%BF 150lbs – Muscular – 14%BF 160lbs – Bodybuilder – 14%BF 175lbs
  • WOMEN: Height 5’6 Normal – 20%BF 135lbs – Athletic – 16%BF 140lbs – Athletic Muscular – 14%BF 155lbs – Muscular – 14%BF 165lbs – Bodybuilder – 14%BF 180lbs
  • WOMEN: Height 5’7 Normal – 20%BF 140lbs – Athletic – 16%BF 145lbs – Athletic Muscular – 14%BF 160lbs – Muscular – 14%BF 170lbs – Bodybuilder – 14%BF 185lbs
  • WOMEN: Height 5’8 Normal – 20%BF 145lbs – Athletic – 16%BF 150lbs – Athletic Muscular – 14%BF 165lbs – Muscular – 14%BF 175lbs – Bodybuilder – 14%BF 190lbs
  • WOMEN: Height 5’9 Normal – 20%BF 150lbs – Athletic – 16%BF 155lbs – Athletic Muscular – 14%BF 170lbs – Muscular – 14%BF 180lbs – Bodybuilder – 14%BF 195lbs
  • WOMEN: Height 5’10 Normal – 20%BF 155lbs – Athletic – 16%BF 160lbs – Athletic Muscular – 14%BF 175lbs – Muscular – 14%BF 185lbs – Bodybuilder – 14%BF 200lbs
  • WOMEN: Height 5’11 Normal – 20%BF 160lbs – Athletic – 16%BF 165lbs – Athletic Muscular – 14%BF 180lbs – Muscular – 14%BF 190lbs – Bodybuilder – 14%BF 205lbs
  • WOMEN: Height 6’0 Normal – 20%BF 165lbs – Athletic – 16%BF 170lbs – Athletic Muscular – 14%BF 185lbs – Muscular – 14%BF 195lbs – Bodybuilder – 14%BF 210lbs
  • WOMEN: Height 6’1 Normal – 20%BF 170lbs – Athletic – 16%BF 175lbs – Athletic Muscular – 14%BF 190lbs – Muscular – 14%BF 200lbs – Bodybuilder – 14%BF 215lbs
  • WOMEN: Height 6’2 Normal – 20%BF 175lbs – Athletic – 16%BF 180lbs – Athletic Muscular – 14%BF 195lbs – Muscular – 14%BF 205lbs – Bodybuilder – 14%BF 220lbs
  • WOMEN: Height 6’3 Normal – 20%BF 180lbs – Athletic – 16%BF 185lbs – Athletic Muscular – 14%BF 200lbs – Muscular – 14%BF 210lbs – Bodybuilder – 14%BF 225lbs
  • WOMEN: Height 6’4 Normal – 20%BF 185lbs – Athletic – 16%BF 190lbs – Athletic Muscular – 14%BF 205lbs – Muscular – 14%BF 215lbs – Bodybuilder – 14%BF 230lbs
  • WOMEN: Height 6’5 Normal – 20%BF 190lbs – Athletic – 16%BF 195lbs – Athletic Muscular – 14%BF 210lbs – Muscular – 14%BF 220lbs – Bodybuilder – 14%BF 235lbs
  • WOMEN: Height 6’6 Normal – 20%BF 195lbs – Athletic – 16%BF 200lbs – Athletic Muscular – 14%BF 215lbs – Muscular – 14%BF 225lbs – Bodybuilder – 14%BF 240lbs

Recommended ideal and healthy weight for men:

  • Men: Height 4’10 Normal – 20%BF 120lbs – Athletic – 16%BF 130lbs – Athletic Muscular – 14%BF 145lbs – Muscular – 14%BF 160lbs – Bodybuilder – 14%BF 180lbs
  • Men: Height 4’11 Normal – 20%BF 125lbs – Athletic – 16%BF 135lbs – Athletic Muscular – 14%BF 150lbs – Muscular – 14%BF 165lbs – Bodybuilder – 14%BF 185lbs
  • Men: Height 5’0 Normal – 20%BF 130lbs – Athletic – 16%BF 140lbs – Athletic Muscular – 14%BF 155lbs – Muscular – 14%BF 170lbs – Bodybuilder – 14%BF 190lbs
  • Men: Height 5’1 Normal – 20%BF 135lbs – Athletic – 16%BF 145lbs – Athletic Muscular – 14%BF 160lbs – Muscular – 14%BF 175lbs – Bodybuilder – 14%BF 195lbs
  • Men: Height 5’2 Normal – 20%BF 140lbs – Athletic – 16%BF 150lbs – Athletic Muscular – 14%BF 165lbs – Muscular – 14%BF 180lbs – Bodybuilder – 14%BF 200lbs
  • Men: Height 5’3 Normal – 20%BF 145lbs – Athletic – 16%BF 155lbs – Athletic Muscular – 14%BF 170lbs – Muscular – 14%BF 185lbs – Bodybuilder – 14%BF 205lbs
  • Men: Height 5’4 Normal – 20%BF 150lbs – Athletic – 16%BF 160lbs – Athletic Muscular – 14%BF 175lbs – Muscular – 14%BF 190lbs – Bodybuilder – 14%BF 210lbs
  • Men: Height 5’5 Normal – 20%BF 155lbs – Athletic – 16%BF 165lbs – Athletic Muscular – 14%BF 180lbs – Muscular – 14%BF 195lbs – Bodybuilder – 14%BF 215lbs
  • Men: Height 5’6 Normal – 20%BF 160lbs – Athletic – 16%BF 170lbs – Athletic Muscular – 14%BF 185lbs – Muscular – 14%BF 200lbs – Bodybuilder – 14%BF 220lbs
  • Men: Height 5’7 Normal – 20%BF 165lbs – Athletic – 16%BF 175lbs – Athletic Muscular – 14%BF 190lbs – Muscular – 14%BF 205lbs – Bodybuilder – 14%BF 225lbs
  • Men: Height 5’8 Normal – 20%BF 170lbs – Athletic – 16%BF 180lbs – Athletic Muscular – 14%BF 195lbs – Muscular – 14%BF 210lbs – Bodybuilder – 14%BF 230lbs
  • Men: Height 5’9 Normal – 20%BF 175lbs – Athletic – 16%BF 185lbs – Athletic Muscular – 14%BF 200lbs – Muscular – 14%BF 215lbs – Bodybuilder – 14%BF 235lbs
  • Men: Height 5’10 Normal – 20%BF 180lbs – Athletic – 16%BF 190lbs – Athletic Muscular – 14%BF 205lbs – Muscular – 14%BF 220lbs – Bodybuilder – 14%BF 240lbs
  • Men: Height 5’11 Normal – 20%BF 185lbs – Athletic – 16%BF 195lbs – Athletic Muscular – 14%BF 210lbs – Muscular – 14%BF 225lbs – Bodybuilder – 14%BF 245lbs
  • Men: Height 6’0 Normal – 20%BF 190lbs – Athletic – 16%BF 200lbs – Athletic Muscular – 14%BF 215lbs – Muscular – 14%BF 230lbs – Bodybuilder – 14%BF 250lbs
  • Men: Height 6’1 Normal – 20%BF 195lbs – Athletic – 16%BF 205lbs – Athletic Muscular – 14%BF 220lbs – Muscular – 14%BF 235lbs – Bodybuilder – 14%BF 255lbs
  • Men: Height 6’2 Normal – 20%BF 200lbs – Athletic – 16%BF 210lbs – Athletic Muscular – 14%BF 225lbs – Muscular – 14%BF 240lbs – Bodybuilder – 14%BF 260lbs
  • Men: Height 6’3 Normal – 20%BF 205lbs – Athletic – 16%BF 215lbs – Athletic Muscular – 14%BF 230lbs – Muscular – 14%BF 245lbs – Bodybuilder – 14%BF 265lbs
  • Men: Height 6’4 Normal – 20%BF 210lbs – Athletic – 16%BF 220lbs – Athletic Muscular – 14%BF 235lbs – Muscular – 14%BF 250lbs – Bodybuilder – 14%BF 270lbs
  • Men: Height 6’5 Normal – 20%BF 215lbs – Athletic – 16%BF 225lbs – Athletic Muscular – 14%BF 240lbs – Muscular – 14%BF 255lbs – Bodybuilder – 14%BF 275lbs
  • Men: Height 6’6 Normal – 20%BF 220lbs – Athletic – 16%BF 230lbs – Athletic Muscular – 14%BF 245lbs – Muscular – 14%BF 260lbs – Bodybuilder – 14%BF 280lbs

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about how much a person should weigh:

How do I determine my ideal weight?

The best way to determine your ideal weight should be by what body type you desire. The Perfect Body Shape formula has 5 different categories for you to choose from. Those categories are healthy average, athletic, athletic muscular, muscular, and bodybuilder. Based on your height, you’ll find both the recommended weight and body fat percerntage.

How much should I weigh female?

A woman like a man should strive to achieve a weight that is derived by the way she wants to look. There is a big difference between 130 pounds health and average looking and 130 pounds athletic muscular. Take into consideration how you’d be happy. If you play a sport do you want to be light or heavy. Do you want to be a marathon runner or do you want to be a Crossfit athlete. If you compete in bodybuilding, do you want to be a bikini girl or a physique or figure girl? Every single one of these looks can be healthy.

How much should a 14 year old female weigh?

The truth of the matter is that age shouldn’t play a big factor in determining how much you should weigh. Age will only play a role in determining how hard it would be for a person to reach their goal. The right weight for a person, young or old, should be based on their current height. Other factors like body fat percentage and lean muscle mass should be considered if the person wants to look a specific way such as athletic or healthy average.

How much should a muscular woman weigh?

This answer depends on how muscular the woman wants to be and how tall she is. In the ideal body weight formula, a chart is provided to differentiate between different looks. When it comes to muscularity, there are 3 choices. The 3 choices are athletic muscular, muscular, and body builder. All these looks are more muscular then the average everyday person. However, lean mass goes up as the category requires it. In bodybuilding, women have 4 different looks. Athletic, athletic muscular, muscular, and bodybuilder. Athletic is for the bikini girls and though they are “athletic”, they aren’t very muscular.

How much should I weigh for my age and height?

Use the Perfect Body Shape formula to figure this out. There are a few variables that have to be considered. What type of body do you desire and how lean you want to be. Age should not be part of the equation. Age is only going to dictate how long it’s going to take to reach your goal. Men as they get older produce less testosterone. Women lose lean mass and suffer significant reduction in metabolism. Nowadays most people don’t eat well or take the right supplementation. With time this deteriorates the body. Additionally, as you get older, you are also susceptible to new and past injuries.

How can I lose 20 pounds?

This is actually a pretty simple formula. It all comes down to nutrition and activity. First you have to establish what your Basal Metabolic Rate is. This will determine how many calories you need to eat per day. Then you need to exercise for at least one hour a day. This will create about a 500 calorie deficit per day. If you stick to your nutrition plan, every 7 days that you exercise you will lose 1 pound of fat. If you workout out 5 times per week, you will lose 1 pound of fat every 9th day.

Is BMI accurate if you are muscular?

BMI is not accurate if you are muscular. Use the ideal body weight formula instead. It is based on height and what body type you desire.

What is a healthy weight for a muscular man?

If you use the ideal body weight formula you will find a chart that gives you 5 different body types. 3 of those body types are for muscular men. Based on how muscular you want to be, you will find the weight and body fat percentage for at a healthy lean range.

How much should I weigh for my age?

Do not use age is your guide for how much you should weigh. Instead use height and the body type you desire. The Perfect Body Shape Formula and the ideal body weight formula guide you to find this. Your age is only going to determine on how fast you will reach that ideal goal. Why? As we get older we are susceptible to previous injuries and underlying conditions. Men produce less testosterone so they may have to take TRT treatments. Women may also develop hormonal imbalances and may need HRT. However, the weight and body fat for the ideal body will not change because of these situations. They are based on height, body fat, and preferred body type.

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  • Day 1 – How many calories do I need a day?
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  • Vitamin D supplement benefits
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Check out these other topics and books that I highly recommend: (My article and purchase)

How much should I weigh with muscle? Male vs Female (2024)


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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.