Crusaders Quest Complete Hero List (2024)

With so many hero and class combinations that you can use, I find myself wondering about the best hero setup for Crusaders Quest. I kept on going back and forth with the different hero pages to check out their block abilities, stats, and passives. To help you figure things out much easier. I have compiled a complete list of all the heroes in Crusaders Quest. This leader features only the 4~6 star evolutions, their final form stats, block skills and passive skills. Hope this complete Crusaders Quest hero list can help you put together the best team possible!

Warrior List
Paladin List
Archer List
Hunter List
Wizard List
Priest List

Warrior List

Leon of Destiny – Leon of Fate – Leon of Light
How to get: Get 1* from Ancient dungeon and promote.

Block: Summons the holy sword that deals physical damage equal to 56/178/322% of attack power based on chain number.

Level 2 Passive: Summons the ultimate holy sword every 4 blocks. Deals physical damage equal to 380% of attack power and ignore target’s armor equal to 50% of own armor.

Level 3 Passive: Summons the ultimate holy sword every 4 blocks. Deals physical damage equal to 380% of attack power and ignore target’s armor equal to 100% of own armor.

6* Stats:
Attack: 535
HP: 6082
Critical: 11.5
Armor: 357
Resistance: 72

Joan of Arc – Knight Joan of Arc – Steel Knight Joan of Arc
How to Get: Contract and Promote

Block: Throws a wave of energy that deals magic damage equal to 49/122/221% of attack power based on the chain number.

Level 2 Passive: Increases leader’s SP by 15 whenever a block is used

Level 3 Passive: Increases leader’s SP by 30 and takes allies’ damage for 5 seconds whenever a block is used.

6* Stats:
Attack: 335
HP: 6741
Critical: 10
Armor: 235
Resistance: 50

Vivian – Devil Vivian – Absolute Devil Vivian
How to get: Contract only

Block: Summons a demon sword that deals magic damage equal to 56/178/322% of attack power based on the chain number.

Level 2 Passive: Summons an ultimate demon sword with 20/40/60% chance based on the chain number. Deals magic damage equal to 380% of attack power and recovers 20% of damage dealt to HP.

Level 3 Passive: Summons an ultimate demon sword with 33/66/100% chance based on the chain number. Deals magic damage equal to 380% of attack power and recovers 20% of damage dealt to HP.

6* Stats:
Attack: 479
HP: 4602
Critical: 17.5
Armor: 235
Resistance: 50

Kaori – Kaori of Victory – Kaori of the Undefeated
How to get: Contract and promote

Block: Performs eastern style swordsmanship, dealing physical damage equal to 56/178/271% of attack power based on the chain number.

Level 2 Passive: When chain-3 is used after chain-1 or chain-2, performs Black Moon Slash to deal physical damage equal to 300% of attack power.

Level 3: When chain-3 is used after chain-1 or chain-2, performs Black Moon Slash to deal physical damage equal to 300% of attack power. This attack has a 75% chance of a critical hit and is otherwised treated as a chain-2.

6* Stats:
Attack: 479
HP: 4602
Critical: 17.5
Armor: 235
Resistance: 50

Susanoo – Warrior Susanoo – Shogun Susanoo
How to get: Contract and Promote

Block: A piercing attack that deals physical damage equal to 49/150/271% of attack power.

Level 2 Passive: Deals additional neutral damage equal to 100% of the hero’s attack power whenever an enemy is hit with Sword Shot.

Level 3 Passive: Deals additional neutral damage equal to 100% of the hero’s attack power and reduces the enemy’s armor by the same amount for 5 seconds whenever an enemy is hit with Sword Shot.

6* Stats:
Attack: 479
HP: 5185
Critical: 10
Armor: 235
Resistance: 50

Monte Proto – Mass Produced Monte – Monte Cristo
How to get: Promote and contract

Block: Throws a wave of energy that deals physical damage equal to 49/122/221% of attack power based on the chain number.

Level 2 Passive: Sonic Sword is activated after an ally uses a chain-3 skill, granting a 50% chance to activate an ultimate wind sword to deal physical damage equal to 250% of the hero’s attack power. This effect happens once for every second.

Level 3 Passive: Sonic Sword is activated after an ally uses a chain-3 skill, granting a 100% chance to activate an ultimate wind sword to deal physical damage equal to 250% of the hero’s attack power. This effect happens once for every second.

6* Stats:
Attack: 623
HP: 3630
Critical: 10
Armor: 235
Resistance: 50

Abel – Devil Hunter Abel – Devil Slayer Abel
How to Get: Contract

Block: Summons a cape. Enemies caught in the cape receive 33/147/275% of magic damage equal to the Hero’s attack power.

Level 2 Passive: For 1 second after Winds of Vengeance, 100% of all damaged is reflected back at the enemy. For the next 2 seconds, 50% of all damage is reflected back at the enemy as neutral damage. When triggered, heals the character for 5% of the Hero’s attack power.

Level 3 Passive: For 1 second after Winds of Vengeance, 150% of all damaged is reflected back at the enemy. For the next 2 seconds, 75% of all damage is reflected back at the enemy as neutral damage. When triggered, heals the character for 10% of the Hero’s attack power and increases the Hero’s attack power by 50 for 5 seconds.

6* Stats:
Attack: 479
HP: 4718
Critical: 10
Armor: 346
Resistance: 44

Paladin List

Kriemhild of Massacre – Kriemhild of Protection – Kriemhild of Oath
How to Get: Ancient Dungeon

Block: Explodes with the energy of the earth, dealing physical damage equal to 50/142/322% of attack power based on the chain number.

Level 2 Passive: When a chain-3 is used, auto attacks for the next 2 seconds deal physical damage equal to 380% of the Hero’s attack power and activates the ultimate Flamespout that stuns enemies for 0.75 seconds (max 2 times). This effect cannot be canceled and is not enhanced by buffs.

Level 3 Passive: When a chain-3 is used, auto attacks for the next 3 seconds deal physical damage equal to 380% of the Hero’s attack power and activates the ultimate Flamespout that stuns enemies for 0.75 seconds (max 3 times). This effect cannot be canceled and is not enhanced by buffs.

6* Stats:
Attack: 570
HP: 5037
Critical: 11.5
Armor: 56
Resistance: 272

Thor – Thor of the North – Thor of Severe Cold
How to get: Promote or contract

Block: Explodes with inner power, dealing magic damage equal to 50/142/322% of attack power based on the chain number.

Level 2 Passive: When chain-3 is used twice, calls a lightning strike that deals neutral damage equal to 350% of attack power.

Level 3 Passive: When chain-3 is used twice, calls a lightning strike that deals neutral damage equal to 350% of attack power. Second strike stuns for 1.5 sec with 75% chance.

6* Stats:
Attack: 370
HP: 6383
Critical: 10
Armor: 63
Resistance: 309

Achilles – Hero Achilles – War God Achilles
How to get: Promote and contract

Block: Summons spears that deal physical damage equal to 49/150/271% of attack power, and prevents enemy approach based on the chain number.

Level 2 Passive: Prevent reduces the enemy’s SP by 20.

Level 3 Passive: Prevent! reduces the enemy’s SP by 35 and the enemy’s attack damage is also reduced by 25% for 5 seconds.

6* Stats:
Attack: 384
HP: 6258
Critical: 10
Armor: 50
Resistance: 235

Vane – Vane of Dark – Vane the Dark Knight
How to Get: Contract

Block: Releases energy of the devil, dealing magic damage equal to 50/142/322% of attack power based on the chain number.

Level 2 Passive: When same chain is used twice, chain-3 will be additionally activated.

Level 3 Passive: When same chain is used twice, chain-3 will be additionally activated. At the same time, critical chance is increased by 15% for 5 seconds.

6* Stats:
Attack: 384
HP: 5554
Critical: 17.5
Armor: 50
Resistance: 235

Alexander – King Alexander the Great – Emperor Alexander
How to get: Promote and Contract

Block: Knock back enemies, dealing physical damage equal to 56/178/271% of attack power based on the chain number.

Level 2 Passive: When a block is used, the hero’s armor and magic resistance increases by 3% of maximum HP for 5 seconds.

Level 3 Passive: When a block is used, the hero’s armor and magic resistance increases by 3% of maximum HP for 5 seconds, and receives allies damage.

6* Stats:
Attack: 269
HP: 8135
Critical: 10
Armor: 50
Resistance: 235

Pirate Drake – Nobleman Drake – White Beard Drake
How to get: Promote and Contract

Block: Strikes with a big anchor, dealing physical damage equal to 56/205/322% of attack power based on the chain number.

Level 2 Passive: Whenever a block is used, all allie’s critical damage increases by 30% for 5 seconds. Lower the Anchor! used afterwards will have increased critical chance of 30%

Level 3: Passive: Whenever a block is used, all allie’s critical damage increases by 50% for 5 seconds. Lower the Anchor! used afterwards will have increased critical chance of 50%

6* Stats:
Attack: 384
HP: 5554
Critical: 17.5
Armor: 50
Resistance: 235

Cain – Devil Cain – True Devil Cain
How to Get: Contract

Block: Spins quickly to attack. Deals physical damage equal to 33/147/325% of the Hero’s attack power.

Level 2 Passive: Attacking a debuffed enemy will stun them for 1 second. The target you hit last will have its attack power reduced by 20% for 5 secs.

Level 3 Passive: Attacking a debuffed enemy will stun them for 1 second. The target you hit last will have its attack power reduced by 20% for 5 secs and activate a chain-3 again with 65% chance.

6* Stats:
Attack: 537
HP: 5257
Critical: 10
Armor: 26
Resistance: 148

Archer List

Expert Archer Sigruna – God Archer Sigruna – Demon Archer Sigruna
How to Get: Ancient Dungeon

Block: Shoots multiple feathers to enemies in the rear, dealing magic damage equal to 7/20/45% of attack power based on the chain number.

Level 2 Passive: Using chain-3 driving feathers will summon 4 magic arrows with 70% of attack damage. These arrows have 25% higher chance of critical.

Level 3 Passive: Using chain-3 driving feathers will summon 7 magic arrows with 100% of attack damage. These arrows have 25% higher chance of critical.

6* Stats:
Attack: 689
HP: 4992
Critical: 17.25
Armor: 160
Resistance: 160

Gon – Bone Beast Gon – Bone Dragon Gon
How to get: Contract

Block: Shoots an arrow that pierces the enemy, dealing physical damage equal to 34/122/250% of attack power based on the chain number.

Level 2 Passive: Whenever a block is used. The leader’s SP is recovered by 15.

Level 3 Passive: Whenever a block is used. The leader’s SP is recovered by 30. When SP recovered leader uses chain-3, this hero will also use chain-3 immediately.

6* Stats:
Attack: 583
HP: 4428
Critical: 15
Armor: 181
Resistance: 181

Robin Hood – Righteous Outlaw Robin Hood – Nobleman Robin Hood
How to get: Contract and promote

Block: Shoots an arrow that pierces the enemy, dealing magic damage equal to 34/122/250% of attack power based on the chain number.

Level 2 Passive: Using blocks will shoot 2 arrows at a time. First arrow only will penetrate.

Level 3 Passive: Using blocks will shoot 3 arrows at a time. First arrow only will penetrate.

6* Stats:
Attack: 599
HP: 3609
Critical: 26.25
Armor: 138
Resistance: 138

Giparang – Giparang of Half Moon – Giparang of Full Moon
How to get: Promote and contract

Block: Shoots a flame arrow that pierces the enemy, dealing magic damage equal to 50/122/250% of attack power based on the chain number.

Level 2 Passive: When chain-3 is used, critical chance and damage amount of next skill increase by 30%.

Level 3 Passive: When chain-3 is used, critical chance and damage amount of next skill increase by 50% and 75% respectively.

6* Stats:
Attack: 599
HP: 3609
Critical: 26.25
Armor: 138
Resistance: 138

Hanzo – Hanzo of Swiftness – Hanzo of Gale
How to get: Promote and contract

Block: Throws a dagger at the enemy frontline, dealing physical damage equal to 81/150/250% of attack power based on the chain number.

Level 2 Passive: Enemies hit by Silver Moon Flying Sword will have their defense decreased by 2% of the hero’s max health for 5 seconds and will suffer 10% of the hero’s max health as neutral damage.

Level 3 Passive: Enemies hit by Silver Moon Flying Sword will have their defense decreased by 2% of the hero’s max health for 5 seconds and will suffer 10% of the hero’s max health as neutral damage and will have all buffs removed.

6* Stats:
Attack: 419
HP: 5644
Critical: 15
Armor: 138
Resistance: 138

R-9999 – R-1 – R-0
How to get: Promote and Contract

Block: Shoots multiple arrows to enemies in the rear, dealing physical damage equal to 7/20/45% of attack power based on the chain number.

Level 2 Passive: Attack of enemy hit by Driving Arrows will be decreased by 3% of hero’s attack for 5 sec.

Level 3 Passive: SP of enemy hit by Driving arrows will be reduced by 5 with every attack, and decrease attack of 3% of hero’s attack for 5 sec.

6* Stats:
Attack: 779
HP: 3040
Critical: 15
Armor: 138
Resistance: 138

Hikari – Bullseye Hikari – Hawk Eye Hikari
How to get: Contract

Block: Shoots an arrow bound to the wind. Deals magic damage equal to 34/122/221% of the Hero’s attack power. A chain-3 will knock enemies upwards.

Level 2 Passive: Every 7th auto attack shoots whirlwind arrows dealing magic damage equal to 80% of the Hero’s attack power and will shoot another one if the Hero is buffed. The number of arrows increases by 2 every time Wind Arrow is used.

Level 3 Passive: Every 5th auto attack shoots whirlwind arrows dealing magic damage equal to 80% of the Hero’s attack power and will shoot another one if the Hero is buffed. The number of arrows increases by 2 every time Wind Arrow is used.

6* Stats:
Attack: 629
HP: 4558
Critical: 15.75
Armor: 152
Resistance: 152

Hunter List

D’Artagnan of Loyalty – D’Artagnan of Faith – D’Artagnan of Iron Will
How to get: Ancient Dungeon

Block: Fires consecutive bullets, dealing physical damage equal to 81/297/540% of attack power based on the chain number.

Level 2 Passive: Whenever the hero is healed by an ally or uses own skill, it receives 50% chance to use maximum connected Consecutive Fire. This is activated once every 3.5 seconds.

Level 3 Passive: Whenever the hero is healed by an ally or uses own skill, it receives 75% chance to use maximum connected Consecutive Fire. This is activated once every 3 seconds.

6* Stats:
Attack: 813
HP: 4074
Critical: 23
Armor: 268
Resistance: 71

Maxi – Tomboy Maxi – Cowgirl Maxi
How to get: Promote or contract

Block: Fires an explosive magic bullet, dealing magic damage equal to 40/114/252% of attack power based on the chain number.

Level 2 Passive: Using chain-3 will increase the hero’s attack damage by 3% of its max health.

Level 3 passive: Using chain-3 will increase the hero’s attack damage by 6% of its max health. There is a 35% chance that the chain-3 will be re-triggered.

6* Stats:
Attack: 504
HP: 4515
Critical: 20
Armor: 174
Resistance: 49

Sneak – Mercenary Sneak – Legendary Mercenary Sneak
How to get: Contract

Block: Fires consecutive bullets, dealing physical damage equal to 81/297/540% of attack power based on the chain number.

Level 2 Passive: When consecutive fire is used, has 17.5% chance to cause 2nd explosion that deals physical damage equal to 100% of attack power.

Level 3 Passive: When consecutive fire is used, has 35% chance to cause 2nd explosion that deals physical damage equal to 100% of attack power and increases the leader’s SP by 4.

6* Stats:
Attack: 720
HP: 2691
Critical: 35
Armor: 174
Resistance: 49

Vincent – Avenger Vincent – Judge Vincent
How to get: Promote and contract

Block: Fires a shot, dealing physical damage equal to 40/125/300% of attack power.

Level 2 Passive: Using chain-3 increases the hero’s attack damage by 75 for 7 seconds.

Level 3 Passive: Using chain-3 increases the hero’s attack damage by 125 and crit damage by 25% for 7 seconds.

6* Stats:
Attack: 720
HP: 2691
Critical: 35
Armor: 174
Resistance: 49

Spyro – Officer Spyro – Commander Spyro
How to get: Promote and contract

Block: Requests Bombardier support to the hero group, dealing physical damage equal to 40/120/300% of attack power based on the chain number.

Level 2 Passive: Whenever an enemy is hit by Bombardier Support, the leader’s SP increases by 2.

Level 3 Passive: Whenever an enemy is hit by Bombardier Support, the leader’s SP increases by 4 and the enemy’s decreases by the same amount. All bombs have a 50% chance of exploding twice.

6* Stats:
Attack: 720
HP: 3473
Critical: 20
Armor: 174
Resistance: 49

Crow – Gentleman Crow – Evil Spirit Crow
How to get: Promote and contract

Block: Fires an explosive bullet, dealing physical damage equal to 40/114/252% of attack power based on the chain number.

Level 2 Passive: Whenever an ally hero uses chain-3, there is a 50% chance to fire an additional PD-CROW bullet that deals physical damage equal to 270% of the hero’s attack power. 1 second cool down.

Level 3 Passive: Whenever an ally hero uses chain-3, there is a 100% chance to fire an additional PD-CROW bullet that deals physical damage equal to 270% of the hero’s attack power. 1 second cool down.

6* Stats:
Attack: 935
HP: 2431
Critical: 20
Armor: 174
Resistance: 49

No. 9 – Killer Bullet No. 9 – Devil Bullet No. 9
How to get: Contract

Block: Snipes enemy 1/2/3 times equal to the length of the chain. Each bullet deals physical damage equal to 125% of the Hero’s attack damage.

Level 2 Passive: When a block is used, the next RF-247 Snipe bullet will have a 10% chance of Critical attack. If already buffed it’ll shoot 2 more times.

Level 3 Passive: When a block is used, the next RF-247 Snipe bullet will have a 10% chance of Critical attack and 150 armor penetration. If already buffed it’ll shoot 2 more times.

6* Stats:
Attack: 756
HP: 3647
Critical: 21
Armor: 198
Resistance: 46

Wizard List

Purple Light Witch Dorothy – Red Witch Dorothy – Black Witch Dorothy
How to get: Ancient Dungeon

Block: Fires a magic beam, dealing magic damage equal to 34/122/221% of attack power based on the chain number.

Level 2 Passive: When Chain-3 is activated within 1.5 seconds of activation of chain-1, an additional beam will be fired to deal magic damage equal to 271% of attack power.

Level 3 Passive: When Chain-3 is activated within 4 seconds of activation of chain-1, an additional beam will be fired to deal magic damage equal to 271% of attack power. Extra beams will remove enemy buffs.

6* Stats:
Attack: 992
HP: 3195
Critical: 23
Armor: 51
Resistance: 207

Archon – Archon of Limit – Limit Breaker Archon
How to get: Promote and contract

Block: Summons a meteor shower from the sky, dealing physical damage equal to 49/150/270% of attack power based on the chain number.

Level 2 Passive: Using chain-3 will increase party’s armor penetration by 100% of its magic res for 5 sec

Level 3 Passive: Using chain-3 will increase party’s armor penetration by 125% of its magic res for 5 sec

6* Stats:
Attack: 850
HP: 2834
Critical: 20
Armor: 58
Resistance: 236

Sasquatch – Sasquatch of Cold – Freezing Sasquatch
How to get: Promote and contract

Block: Drops countless icicles that deal magic damage that equal to 5/13/22% of attack power based on the chain number.

Level 2 Passive: Enemy hit by freezing blizzard will have lowered attack power by 10 for 5 seconds. If this effect is accumulated 10 times within 10 seconds, the enemy will be stunned for 1.5 seconds.

Level 3 Passive: Enemy hit by freezing blizzard will have lowered attack power by 25 for 5 seconds. If this effect is accumulated 7 times within 10 seconds, the enemy will be stunned for 1.5 seconds.

6* Stats:
Attack: 863
HP: 2153
Critical: 35
Armor: 45
Resistance: 179

Rachel – Succubus Rachel – Succubus Queen Rachel
How to get: Promote and contract

Block: Calls for countless bats, dealing magic damage equal to 56/175/280% of attack power based on the chain number.

Level 2 Passive: Getting heals or using own blocks will increase attack damage by 25 for 5 sec. This isn’t triggered by vamp.

Level 3 Passive: Getting heals or using own blocks will increase attack damage by 45 for 5 sec and gains 4 sp. This isn’t triggered by vamp.

6* Stats:
Attack: 863
HP: 2153
Critical: 35
Armor: 45
Resistance: 179

Korin – Grim Reaper Korin – Death Messenger Korin
How to get: Promote or contract

Block: With a talisman that suppresses the soul, deals 49/150/270% of attack power based on the chain number.

Level 2 Passive: Whenever a Phantom Talisman attacks an enemy, the hero recovers 1/2/3 Sp

Level 3 Passive: Whenever a Phantom Talisman attacks an enemy, the hero recovers 2/3/5 Sp, and a shield appears over the entire party that absorbs damage equal to 5/10/20% of the hero’s maximum HP.

6* Stats:
Attack: 604
HP: 3611
Critical: 20
Armor: 45
Resistance: 179

Lilith – Night Queen Lilith – Night Goddess Lilith
How to get: Contract

Block: Summons a meteor shower from the sky, dealing physical damage equal to 49/150/270% of attack power based on the chain number.

Level 2 Passive: Third block used will always be activated as chain-3. This number will be also applied when other ally hero activates chain-3.

Level 3 Passive: Second block used will always be activated as chain-3. This number will be also applied when other ally hero activates chain-3.

6* Stats:
Attack: 1122
HP: 1945
Critical: 20
Armor: 45
Resistance: 179

Alice – Queen Alice – Spade Queen Alice
How to get: Contract

Block: Using a chain-1 or 2 summons diamond soldiers. Using a chain-3 summons spade soldiers. Deals magic damage equal to 50/120/210% of hero’s attack power.

Level 2 Passive: Summons an upgraded spade soldier dealing magic damage equal to 210% of the hero’s attack damage. Summoned when diamond soldiers deal damage after the initial attack. Triggered only once every 2 secs.

Level 3 Passive: Summons an upgraded spade soldier dealing magic damage equal to 210% of the hero’s attack damage and weakens the next enemy’s skill by 35%. Summoned when diamond soldiers deal damage after the initial attack.

6* Stats:
Attack: 906
HP: 2917
Critical: 21
Armor: 46
Resistance: 198

Priest List

Saintess Maria – Saintess of Salvation Maria – Savior Saintess Maria
How to get: Ancient Dungeon

Block: Summons an object that heals nearby allies 8 times by 10/25/52% of the hero’s attack power based on the chain number.

Level 2 Passive: When using chain-3 Sacred Treasure of Goddess affected heroes will also recover 2 SP for each time healed

Level 3 Passive: When using chain-3 Sacred Treasure of Goddess affected heroes will also recover 2 SP for each time healed and increase defense and resistance by 2% of the hero’s max health.

6* Stats:
Attack: 401
HP: 6919
Critical: 11.5
Armor: 160
Resistance: 160

Mew – Cat Mew – Cat Master Mew
How to get: Promote and contract

Block: With the power of light, an ally is healed by 200% of the hero’s attack power plus an additional 7/15/25% of based on the chain number.

Level 2 Passive: When an allied hero uses a chain-3, one block is added to the queue (triggered once every 1.5 secs).

Level 3 Passive: When an allied hero uses a chain-3, one block is added to the queue and recover 15 SP (triggered once every 1.5 secs).

6* Stats:
Attack: 482
HP: 4720
Critical: 10
Armor: 181
Resistance: 181

Yeowoodong – Stunning Yeowoodong – Nine Tailed Fox Yeowoodong
How to get: Promote and contract

Block: With the power of the Goddess, the entire party’s HP is healed by 42/152/275% of the hero’s attack power based on the chain number.

Level 2 Passive: Whenever bell of Goddess is used, there is a 10/20/35% chance that a block will be generated for the affected hero

Level 3 Passive: Whenever bell of Goddess is used, there is a 15/30/50% chance that a block will be generated for the affected hero.

6* Stats:
Attack: 498
HP: 4107
Critical: 17.5
Armor: 138
Resistance: 138

Woompa Woopa – Roompa Woopa – Woomparoom Woopa
How to get: Contract and Promote

Block: Creates an object that heals the entire party 4 times for HP equal to 35/80/80% of the hero’s attack power based on the chain number.

Level 2 Passive: Entire ally’s armor and magic resistance increase by 100 when chain-2 is activated. Entire ally’s attack power increase by 30% 5 seconds when chain-3 is activated.

Level 3 Passive: Entire ally’s armor and magic resistance increase by 200 when chain-2 is activated. Entire ally’s attack power increase by 35% and crit chance by 15% for 5 seconds when chain-3 is activated.

6* Stats:
Attack: 498
HP: 4107
Critical: 17.5
Armor: 138
Resistance: 138

Nightingale – Nightingale of Salvation – Nightingale of Light
How to get: Contract

Block: With the power of light, an ally is healed by 200% of the hero’s attack power plus an additional 7/15/25% based on the chain number.

Level 2 Passive: When whisper of light is used, an ally will recover HP equal to 100% of the hero’s attack power for each auto attack over the next 5 seconds. (triggered up to 5 times each time)

Level 3 Passive: When whisper of light is used, an ally will recover HP equal to 100% of the hero’s attack power for each auto attack over the next 5 seconds. When re-triggered while still in effect, this skill heals all party members (triggered up to 5 times each time).

6* Stats:
Attack: 498
HP: 4628
Critical: 10
Armor: 138
Resistance: 138

Nurspy – Dangerous Nurspy – Emergency Relief Nurspy
How to get: Contract and Promote

Block: Summons an object that heals nearby allies 8 times by 10/25/52% of the hero’s attack power based on the chain number.

Level 2 Passive: Deals damage to enemies near the syringe equal to the amount recovered, and reduces enemy attack power by 15 and SP by 4 for 5 seconds.

Level 3 Passive: Deals damage to enemies near the syringe equal to the amount recovered, and reduces enemy attack power by 7 for 5 seconds.

6* Stats:
Attack: 647
HP: 3240
Critical: 10
Armor: 138
Resistance: 138

Himiko – Shaman Himiko – Great Shaman Himiko
How to get: Contract

Block: Creates a barrier in the frontline. Enemy attacks within the barrier are reduced by 25/35/50%. Each affected enemy will heal all allies by 45% of their attack damage up to 3 times.

Level 2 Passive: All enemies within the barrier will have their att. speed, crit chance and crit damage lowered.

Level 3 Passive: All enemies within the barrier will have their att. speed, crit chance and crit damage lowered. Every time a barrier is created there is a 50% chance that a chain-3 barrier will be raised behind the enemies (triggered once every 2 sec).

6* Stats:
Attack: 523
HP: 4860
Critical: 10.5
Armor: 152
Resistance: 152

Crusaders Quest Complete Hero List (2024)


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